Social Media Quiz

Objective: To determine your level of professional preparation and understanding related to social media.

Directions: For each of the following statements, choose one of the options.

  1.   You have a profile on both Facebook and LinkedIn:

        a.   Yes.

        b.   No.

        c.   What is LinkedIn?

  2.   In your LinkedIn profile picture you are:

        a.   Professionally dressed and smiling.

        b.   In a t-shirt and shorts.

        c.   What is LinkedIn?

  3.   Your LinkedIn profile pic is:

        a.   Current and within the last few years.

        b.   Out of date and taken 5 years ago or longer.

        c.   I need to get a profile pic on LinkedIn.

  4.   Before you post on any social media, you say to yourself:

        a.   Would I want my boss to read this?

        b.   It’s my account so I can be myself!

        c.   Anything goes.

  5.   You review and clean up your social media accounts:

        a.   On a frequent and regular basis.

        b.   On an infrequent basis.

        c.   Never.

  6.   On most days you:

        a.   Post at least on one social media account.

        b.   Rarely post since there is so little time.

        c.   Spend my time checking out what others are doing on social media.

  7.   Your Facebook privacy settings are:

        a.   Set so only friends can see my pictures, tags, and posts.

        b.   I have no idea but will check now.

        c.   My profile is public.

  8.   Your LinkedIn profile:

        a.   Is updated frequently and includes endorsements and recommendations.

        b.   Is updated frequently and includes just a few, or none, recommendations or endorsements.

        c.   I still need to set up my LinkedIn profile.

  9.   Your LinkedIn connections are mostly:

        a.   Coworkers and professionals within fields you’re interested.

        b.   Friends and coworkers.

        c.   I don’t have many connections.

10.   When a coworker adds you on social media, you:

        a.   Accept their requests and consider my privacy settings.

        b.   Sometimes connect with them.

        c.   Ignore their requests. They don’t need to see my pictures and posts!

11.   The last time you Googled your name:

        a.   Within the last month

        b.   Within the last year

        c.   Never

12.   When you Google your name the search results:

        a.   Show several relevant links that include my LinkedIn profile, personal web site, and other relevant links about my career.

        b.   Include not only some links about me but also information about others that have my same name.

        c.   There are no relevant links with my name on the first page of the Google search results.

10 points for each A.

5 points for each B.

0 points for each C.


   •   90 to 120: You are savvy about social media. You are aware that others search for you online and want to have a good online impression of yourself. You actively engage with social media to enhance your image and realize that it is a powerful tool to help you communicate your value.

   •   60 to 89: You are a social media novice. You have started to understand the purpose of social media but have a good deal of work to do in order to improve your online presence. You infrequently engage with social media, so when someone searches for you there is an incomplete picture of your skills and abilities online.

   •   59 or lower: Your social media skills require immediate attention. You need to seriously consider creating a LinkedIn account or if you have one, substantially improving it so you can be more easily discovered. If you want prospective employers to notice your accomplishments, skills, and abilities, it will be important for you to spend the time to further enhance your online visibility.

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