
Forward: The Liberal Art

Preface: Explaining Happiness



Part I         The Situation

Chapter 1    The Information Technology Revolution

Chapter 2    The State of the College Major

Chapter 3    Selecting a Major

Chapter 4    The Fallacies

Part II       The Mental Traps

Chapter 5    Trap One: Your Major Determines Your Long-Term Earning Potential

Chapter 6    Trap Two: You Need to Land Your Dream Job and Figure out What You Want to Do with the Rest of Your Life

Chapter 7    Trap Three: You Can Apply to Jobs Related to Only Your Major

Chapter 8    Trap Four: Employers Care about Only Your Major and Grade Point Average

Chapter 9    Trap Five: Students Must Specialize in One Major in Order to Succeed

Part III      Assessments

Chapter 10  Build Your Bridge

Chapter 11  Career Target

Chapter 12  AIM for Your Purpose

Chapter 13  The Greater Fool Theory

Chapter 14  The Milkshake

Chapter 15  The Openness and Awareness Index

Chapter 16  Career Vision

Chapter 17  Soft Skills

Chapter 18  “How Good Do You Want to Be?”

Chapter 19  Professional Skills Assessment

Chapter 20  Personal Assessment of Traits and Habits to Success

Chapter 21  Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Chapter 22  Social Media Quiz

Chapter 23  Communicate Your Value Assessments

Appendix A: List of Majors from the University of Michigan

Appendix B: Famous People and Their Majors

Appendix C: Extinct, New, and Future Careers


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