Career Vision

Objective: To challenge students to understand three common career paths: knowledge, issues, and skills.

Directions: Locate at least one job description for each of the three types of careers. Find a knowledge position that is directly related to your major; a job that pertains to one of the key issues important to you; and a position that requires a specific skill that you can adequately demonstrate. Remember, the most options you can see and consider, the most opportunities that will come your way.

Introduction: Generally speaking, there are three types of careers:

   •   Knowledge-based careers: These are most closely aligned with a student’s undergraduate academic major.

          Ex: The history major who teaches social studies in high school.

   •   Issue-based careers: Individuals are attracted to these types of opportunities because they are passionate about the specific issue. One’s undergraduate academic major may or may not factor into this type of position.

          Ex: The world languages major working at a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping homeless people.

   •   Skill-based careers: where an employer is hired due to a specific skill.

          Ex: The English major who goes into market research because a company was impressed with her writing and presentation skills.

Knowledge-Based Careers

Following is the list of typical jobs related to history major in the knowledge-based area. This is just one example of knowledge-based careers. Every major has knowledge-based careers.

   •   Historians as educators

          Elementary schools

          Secondary schools

          Postsecondary education

          Historic sites and museums

   •   Historians as researchers

          Museums and historical organizations

          Cultural resources management and historic preservation

          Think tanks

   •   Historians as communicators

          Writers and editors


          Documentary editors

          Producers of multimedia material

   •   Historians as information managers


          Records managers

          Librarians information managers

   •   Historians as advocates

          Lawyers and paralegals

          Litigation support

          Legislative staff work


Issue-Based Careers

The following list of global issues represents a wide variety of career options for any major:

   •   Arms trade

   •   Biodiversity

   •   Causes of poverty

   •   Climate change and global warming

   •   Consumption and consumerism

   •   Education environmental issues

   •   Fair trade

   •   Food and agriculture

   •   Geopolitics

   •   Health issues

   •   Human rights issues

   •   International criminal court

   •   Mainstream media

   •   Natural disasters

   •   Nuclear weapons

   •   Sustainable development

   •   Third world debt

   •   War on terror

   •   World hunger and poverty

Skill-Based Careers

Many employers are looking for candidates that can demonstrate one or more of the following skills.

   •   Ability to work in a team structure

   •   Ability to make decisions and solve problems

   •   Ability to communicate verbally with people inside and outside an organization

   •   Ability to plan, organize, and prioritize work

   •   Ability to obtain and process information

   •   Ability to analyze quantitative data

   •   Ability to work with others in a diverse environment

   •   Proficiency with computer software programs

   •   Ability to create and/or edit written reports

   •   Ability to sell and influence others

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