Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Objective: To provide students with an opportunity to assess their emotional quotient (EQ) or emotional intelligence.

Directions: EQ: For each of the following EQ traits listed below, ask yourself how often you practiced each one during the last month: never, seldom, sometimes, often, always. For example, during the last month I seldom practiced realistic self-confidence and often misunderstood my own strengths and limitations and seldom relied on someone else on the team.

  1.   Self-awareness

        a.   Realistic self-confidence: You understand your own strengths and limitations; you operate from competence and know when to rely on someone else on the team.

              i.   How frequently have you practiced this trait during the last month?

      Never (0); Rarely (1); Sometimes (3); Often (4); Always (5)

        b.   Emotional insight: You understand your feelings. Being aware of what makes you angry, for instance, can help you manage that anger.

              i.   How frequently have you practiced this trait during the last month?

      Never (0); Rarely (1); Sometimes (3); Often (4); Always (5)

  2.   Self-management

        a.   Resilience: You stay calm under pressure and recover quickly from upsets. You don’t brood or panic. In a crisis, people look to the leader for reassurance; if the leader is calm, they can be, too.

              i.   How frequently have you practiced this trait during the last month?

      Never (0); Rarely (1); Sometimes (3); Often (4); Always (5)

        b.   Emotional balance: You keep any distressful feelings in check—instead of blowing up at people, you let them know what’s wrong and what the solution is.

              i.   How frequently have you practiced this trait during the last month?

      Never (0); Rarely (1); Sometimes (3); Often (4); Always (5)

        c.   Self-motivation: You keep moving toward distant goals despite setbacks.

              i.   How frequently have you practiced this trait during the last month?

      Never (0); Rarely (1); Sometimes (3); Often (4); Always (5)

  3.   Empathy

        a.   Cognitive and emotional empathy: Because you understand other perspectives, you can put things in ways colleagues comprehend. And you welcome their questions, just to be sure. Cognitive empathy, along with reading another person’s feelings accurately, makes for effective communication.

              i.   How frequently have you practiced this trait during the last month?

      Never (0); Rarely (1); Sometimes (3); Often (4); Always (5)

        b.   Good listening: You pay full attention to the other person and take time to understand what they are saying, without talking over them or hijacking the agenda.

              i.   How frequently have you practiced this trait during the last month?

      Never (0); Rarely (1); Sometimes (3); Often (4); Always (5)

  4.   Relationship skills

        a.   Compelling communication: You put your points in persuasive, clear ways, so that people are motivated as well as clear about expectations.

              i.   How frequently have you practiced this trait during the last month?

      Never (0); Rarely (1); Sometimes (3); Often (4); Always (5)

        b.   Team playing: People feel relaxed working with you. One sign: They laugh easily around you.

              i.   How frequently have you practiced this trait during the last month?

      Never (0); Rarely (1); Sometimes (3); Often (4); Always (5)

Next steps

  1.   Which one trait would you consider to be your most reliable?

  2.   Which one trait would you like to develop in the upcoming month and why?

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