Start Coaching Down Now!

All great leaders are not great coaches, but all great coaches are great leaders. This is true because coaching is more about what you do with your employees and being a great leader is more about who you are. Coaching down is one of the most selfless acts leaders can do for their people. It takes time and work, a great deal of discipline and conflict, but most importantly, it takes a leader in the middle to see the value of being coached so they are willing to do the work and make time for it.

To start, do the following exercise, which is similar to the one at the end of Part 1: Serving Down. Consider my principle: “Embrace coaching down as a priority!” Then, take the time to rewrite it in your own words. Now, write down the actions that you will need to serve that principle. Here's a sample list to get you started:

  • One-on-one meetings.
  • Floor days.
  • Practice meetings.
  • Create cultural “laws” that ensure a successful team (believe in them and expect others to as well).
  • Create and give expectations and hold every team member accountable.

Finally, after you make your list, write down what you desire to achieve from each action. This is key, because many leaders in the middle know what to do but don't do it. The number one reason? The desired result is not worth the work or sacrifice. So know your desired result, because it will become the reason you stick with a principle or discipline when the newness and fun of serving down by coaching has worn off. And when it does, remember the following actions and achievements gained when coaching down.


  • Embrace that coaching is a number one priority; you can't fit it into your schedule. It must be the core of any leader in the middle's schedule.
  • Commit to your coaching activities—one-on-ones, ride days, practice meetings—make them important. Don't let less important but urgent stuff become excuses for not doing them.
  • Lay out cultural laws that ensure a successful team. Believe in them and expect others to as well.
  • Provide expectations and hold every team member accountable to them.
  • Allow people to be themselves, but have zero tolerance for bad attitudes, gossip, or excuses.
  • Write down what you desire to achieve from all of the above; know your desired result!


  • Motivated employees.
  • Positive work environment.
  • High-quality new hires.
  • The best results in the company.
  • Promotion to your next career step.
  • Keeping your word by keeping your commitment to coach!
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