Chapter 1. Getting Started with Bootstrap

You must be eager to start your first Bootstrap project, but hold your horses. First, you will need to learn a few useful things about Bootstrap in order to know whether or not Bootstrap is a good suite for your project.

Why use Bootstrap?

Twitter Bootstrap is an excellent CSS framework that provides many carefully crafted user interface elements, layouts, and jQuery plugins. Bootstrap is open source and is also one of the most popular projects of all time on GitHub.

Bootstrap contains a top-notch, responsive mobile-first grid, which allows you to implement your design in a breeze; it comes with ready-made styles for typography, navigation, tables, forms, buttons, and more.

Bootstrap also includes some jQuery plugins, such as Modal, Dropdown, Tooltip, and Carousel, which come in handy quite often.


Today, you can use Bootstrap to throw together quick prototypes or guide the execution of more sophisticated designs and larger engineering efforts. In other words, Bootstrap is a very simple way to promote quick, clean and highly usable applications.

 --– Mark Otto, creator of Bootstrap

Even though Bootstrap comes with all these features, none of them actually get in the way of further customization. Bootstrap is very easy to extend, especially if you use LESS instead of traditional CSS.


At its core, Bootstrap is just CSS, but it's built with Less, a flexible pre-processor that offers much more power and flexibility than regular CSS. With Less, we gain a range of features like nested declarations, variables, mixins, operations, and color functions.

 -- – Mark Otto, creator of Bootstrap

Next, you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of using Bootstrap.

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