Chapter 8. Custom Bootstrap Plugins

There are a lot of plugins available for Twitter Bootstrap that can be used to extend its functionality. In this chapter, we will take a closer look at some of the most popular plugins that you can use to improve the user experience in your Bootstrap projects.

Why use custom plugins?

You can save a lot of time if you use custom Bootstrap plugins instead of writing your own. Most of the popular plugins for Bootstrap receive frequent updates.

The following are some reasons why you should consider using custom plugins:

  • Saves you time: You can always write your own plugins that go along with Bootstrap, but often someone has already done it for you, and "reinventing the wheel" is never a good thing. So look around a bit before writing any plugins yourself.
  • Stable for production: All of the custom Bootstrap plugins mentioned in this chapter are stable for production use.
  • Frequently updated: Most plugins are backed by some kind of community that provides ideas for improvement, helps narrow down bugs quickly, and tests new releases.
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