Publishing your theme

Now that you have created a neat new theme for Bootstrap, you must be eager to let the world see your amazing theme. Before we can do this, you need to learn how to build your theme using Grunt. Let us set up the Bootswatch project by performing the following steps:

  1. Download Bootswatch from GitHub or clone it using Git by visiting
  2. Once you have created your own copy of the Bootswatch project, you need to run the following command in the Bootswatch project root:
    npm install

    This will install all the necessary Node.js dependencies so that you can run its Grunt tasks.

  3. Copy the greenhorn directory into the project root and run the following command to build your theme:
    grunt build:greenhorn

    This will create two new files in your theme directory, bootstrap.css and bootstrap.min.css, which contain all of the Bootstrap files and customizations in your theme.

When you have built your theme, it will contain the same files as all other Bootswatch themes. If you think that your theme is good enough, you may want to consider contributing it to the Bootswatch project by doing a pull request on GitHub or selling it on WrapBootstrap (


If you are unfamiliar with pull requests and want to learn more about them, you should read the following page from the GitHub documentation at

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