Components of Worklight

IBM Worklight is a mobile application platform containing all of the tools needed to develop a mobile application. If we combine IBM Worklight components into a stream, it would be clean to say that hybrid mobile application development is tightly coupled with a baseline.

Each component in Worklight is integrated with the other, for the creation of a rich interface and cost-effective mobile app in fragments, and to control the growing portfolio of an application. IBM Worklight provides high user experience index and full device access with native controls. It is a mobile application development tool that contains all modules, including the mobile application development framework and modules for testing and distribution. There are mainly two development editions:

  • IBM Worklight Enterprise Edition
  • IBM Worklight Consumer Edition

IBM Worklight Enterprise and Consumer Editions are identical except for the licensed models. The Consumer Edition is completely licensed per mobile application, whereas the Enterprise Edition contains license per device.

Every specified component provides a bundle of functionalities and support. The following is the lifecycle for mobile application development:

  • Worklight Studio: IBM Worklight provides a robust, Eclipse-based development environment called Worklight Studio, which allows developers to quickly construct mobile applications for multiple platforms.
  • Worklight Server: This component is a runtime server that activates or enables secure data transmission through centralized backend connectivity with adapters. It is used for offline encrypted storage, unified push notification, and many other applications.
  • Worklight Device Runtime: The device runtime provides a rich set of APIs that are accessible across platforms and offer easy access to the services provided by the IBM Worklight Server.
  • Worklight Console: This is a web-dependent interface for real-time analytics, managing push notification authority, and mobile version management. Worklight Console is a web-based interface and is dedicated to ongoing administration of Worklight Server and its deployed apps, adapters, and push notification services.
  • Worklight Application Center: This is a cross-platform mobile application store that fulfils specific needs for mobile application development teams.

Each component is discussed in detail in the following sections.

Worklight Studio

IBM Worklight Studio provides a complete extensible environment with maximum code reusability and device optimization. It contains client-side implementation and web technologies that rely on the Worklight optimization framework. In this component, a user can find third-party library integration with device SDKs. The main purpose of this module is to create a hybrid application that can be used on and is deployable to any mobile platform such as Android, iPhone, Blackberry, and Windows Phone.

Worklight Studio

Features of the Worklight Studio platform

The preceding screenshots illustrates the Worklight Studio. It's an Eclipse-based IDE to facilitate the developer with operating and controlling projects in a normal hierarchical structure and to organize the source code for easy access. It is responsible for code maintenance, framework implementation, and rich multiplatform development. It also contains a variety of procedures to achieve device portability.

We will explore the key functionality advantages of Worklight Studio in the following sections.

Pure native and web development

IBM Worklight Studio provides complete extensibility and compatibility in pure native and web application development. With a very simple wizard, a developer can easily add JavaScript frameworks such as Dojo, jQuery Mobile, and Sencha Touch and IDE provide a WYSIWYG editor for quickly building UIs in a drag-and-drop fashion with the support of UI components.

Shell development and concept

IBM Worklight provides a hybrid shell for mobile applications that offers all capabilities to web and native technologies. By creating a custom shell, you can add third-party native libraries that include Cordova/PhoneGap plugins and can implement custom security modules and extend features specific to enterprise modernization. The shell could be used as enforcement of corporate guideline specifications for designing and security rules. For example, a shell can be utilized to improve and amend default mobile applications or to control native features.

Optimized framework

Worklight Studio provides a common environment to be used as the simple development point that shares all code basis into one stream. An optimization framework consists of the skin concept (runtime skinning) that actually enables an interface for mobile applications depending on the device. This feature enables the runtime interface and enables different sets of customizations. All these settings are device dependent and can easily be transformed to hold any set of code.

Integrated development and mobile simulator

Worklight Studio can be used to develop a component called IBM Worklight Adapters for your application within the same integrated development environment. It allows you to test these adapters thoroughly. It also provides a browser-based mobile simulator for testing web and hybrid applications within IBM Worklight Studio. Mobile simulator is a cross-platform testing module for mobile devices with the support of various Apache Cordova APIs. It allows you to test hybrid applications that use device features without having to run them on the physical device. This reduces redundant development time and effort required for repeated deployment on devices.

Besides this, IBM Worklight Studio allows you to set Ant tasks that can be used to run any mobile application on multiple platforms. IBM Worklight Studio is available in three editions. The Developer edition provides all of the tools needed to build a mobile application. The Consumer edition and Enterprise edition add enterprise-level security and integration with the IBM Application Center.

Worklight Device Runtime

The IBM Worklight Device Runtime component delivers a smooth and uniform bridge between web technologies (HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript) and the additional native functionalities added to the various platforms. IBM Worklight Device Runtime supports a variety of mobile OS and release levels.

The following screenshot shows the different features in Device Runtime that reduce the complexity and implementation time frame for a developer:

Worklight Device Runtime

The following section provides details about the various features of Device Runtime:

  • Cross-platform Compatibility Layer: By using this layer, hybrid mobile applications can access common control elements such as tab bars, clipboards, and native device interface features.
  • Server Integration Framework: This allows applications to utilize a Server Secure Layer Connection to connect to the server all the time.
  • Encrypted Storage: This layer helps to access application restoration data in an encryption that helps a user to access data using this API.
  • Reporting for Statistics and Diagnostics: In this layer, the Mobile application transforms the data and sends it to IBM Worklight Server by executing an event that stores the data in a separate database.

Worklight Server

This component is utilized to bind a client-side/server-side integration with built-in security prevention and helps the application to have a strong communication with the backend system. This complete framework based on the cryptographic module to protect user-specific information as well as server specifications. The following screenshot is of the structure of IBM Worklight Server:

Worklight Server

The following is a brief description of the structure of IBM Worklight Server:

  • Server-side Application Code: This module defends the security and performance of a mobile device. By using this code, you can have direct access to the backend system or cloud-based services.
  • JSON translation: JSON is a lightweight data structure format, such as XML, that automatically converts hierarchical data responses with optimized consumption.
  • Authentication Framework: If your mobile application is based on Worklight Server, you can benefit from enterprise-class security, which enables single sign-on using Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA).

Worklight Console

IBM Worklight Console is an administration component based on the web interface. This web-based console is used to enable/disable applications, adapters, and push notification rules.

You can manage a mobile application by activating/deactivating its outdated versions. It can also be used to publish messages or notifications to users regarding new updates and new features released. Worklight Console contains an identifier to ensure security and application provisioning for users. This console also assists administrators with viewing statistics and user information from all running applications on IBM Worklight Server. This helps to make decisions regarding specific platforms, user interaction, and performance overview.

Worklight Application Center

Worklight Application Center is a web-based internal enterprise store to centralize mobile applications, including distribution, installation, and feedback. An application catalog helps to find available mobile applications that provides feedback on application versions.

During the development lifecycle, Application Center can be used to inline the movements of new application versions from the development point of view. It allows multiple versions of applications and can also be utilized to limit versions for any group of users as well as applications.

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