Creating adapter-based authentication

Adapter-based authentication is the simplest form of authentication provided in Worklight. It uses the adapter procedure/function to validate and authenticate the users and create their sessions. Plus, it provides all the features of the Worklight authentication framework.

Please use the following simple steps to implement adapter-based authentication:

  1. Create a new Worklight project with the name ABADemo; for the application, use the name myAdapterBasedAuthentication.
  2. Add an adapter and give it a name: myAuthAdapter. Paste the following sample function code into the adapter.js file:
    function onAuthRequired(headers, errorMessage){
      errorMessage = errorMessage ? errorMessage : null;
      return {
        authRequired: true,
        errorMessage: errorMessage
    function submitUserAuthentication(username, password){
      if (username==="adapter" && password === "adapter"){
        var userIdentity = {
          userId: username,
          displayName: username, 
          attributes: {
            foo: "abc"
        WL.Server.setActiveUser("myAuthRealm", userIdentity);
        return { 
          authRequired: false 
      return onAuthRequired(null, "Invalid login credentials, please try again");
    function getSomeData(){
      return {
        secretData: "This is sample data retruned after user session creation"
    function onLogout(){
      WL.Server.setActiveUser("myAuthRealm", null);
      WL.Logger.debug("Logged out");

    I hope that the preceding code with so many function names make sense to you. If it doesn't, lets go through each function in detail:

    • submitUserAuthentication: This function is used to authenticate the users and create sessions (user identity objects). The username and password are received from the application as parameters. If a validation is successfully passed, a WL.Server.setActiveUser API is called to create an authenticated session for myAuthRealm with a user data stored in the userIdentity object. Note, you can add your own custom properties to user identity attributes.
    • onAuthRequired: This function is used to return a success or failure response back to the client. Note the authRequired: true property. You need this property in the challenge handler to detect that either the server is requesting authentication or not.
    • getSomeData: This is a function that is protected with a security test and only authenticated users can access it. So, in this case, once the user has successfully passed the authentication defined in the preceding function, then this function will be called.
    • onLogout: This function will be called when the session times out, either explicitly by the user or once the session timeout duration has finished.
  3. Locate the authenticationconfig.xml file and add the following entries into it.
    • Add a new realm and login module as follows:
        <realm loginModule="myAuthLoginModule" name="myAdapterAuthRealm">
         <parameter name="login-function" value="myAuthAdapter.onAuthRequired"/>
         <parameter name="logout-function" value="myAuthAdapter.onLogout"/>
        <loginModule name="myAuthLoginModule">
    • myAdapterAuthRealm: This is the realm that we have created. The class type of this realm is AdapterAuthentication. There are two parameters defined, one is login-function that is called at the time of user login (authentication step) and the second function, logout-function is called when session is going to expire.
    • myAuthLoginModule: This is the login module that we will use. The type of module is NonValidatingLoginModule, and it means it will not further validates user's credentials and the developer will take the whole responsibility of validating credentials inside the adapter.
  4. Add the security test as follows:
    • Add the following security test to the authenticationconfig.xml file. You must use this security test to protect the adapter procedure, so convert it into <customSecurityTest>:
          <customSecurityTest name="myAuthAdapter-securityTest">
              <test isInternalUserID="true" realm="myAuthRealm"/>
  5. Now open the adapter XML file myAuthAdapter.xml and add the security test as follows:
    <procedure name="submitUserAuthentication"/>
    <procedure name="getSomeData" securityTest="myAuthAdapter-securityTest"/>
    • The submitUserAuthentication procedure is used to trigger the authentication process, and authentication is not required in order to invoke it.
    • The second procedure is accessible to authenticated users only because we have protected it with a security test.

The following diagram shows the adapter-based authentication process:

Creating adapter-based authentication

Client side – adapter authentication components

In this section, we are going to create a client-side interface to manipulate this authentication concept:

  1. Create an app, give it the name myAdapterBasedAuthentication, and paste the following code in the HTML file in the common folder under the body tag:
    <div id="MainAppDiv">
    <div class="header">
        <h1>my Adapter Based Authentication App</h1>
    <div id="AuthDiv" style="display:none">

    The page contains two div elements: the MainAppDiv is used to display the application content, and the AuthDiv is used for the authentication form purposes.

    When the app starts, it will hide MainAppDiv and will only show AuthDiv because the user has not logged in to access the protected data from the server. So, once the user enters the correct credentials, AuthDiv gets hidden and MainAppDiv becomes visible.

  2. Let's create two buttons. One button will access the protected adapter function to get protected data and the second button will log out the user. Add the following lines inside the MainAppDiv:
    <input type="button" value="Get personal details" onclick="getSomeData()" />
    <input type="button" value="Logout" onclick="WL.Client.logout('myAuthRealm', {onSuccess:WL.Client.reloadApp})" />
                <div id="ResponseDiv"></div>
  3. The div with the ID ResponseDiv is used to display the getSomeData response. Add the following lines to AuthDiv:
    <p id="AuthInfo"></p>   
    <hr />
    <input type="text" placeholder="Enter username" id="AuthUsername"/><br />
    <input type="password" placeholder="Enter password" id="AuthPassword"/><br />
    <input type="button" value="Submit" id="AuthSubmitButton" />
    <input type="button" value="Cancel" id="AuthCancelButton" />
    • The AuthInfo tag is used to display error messages
    • The AuthUsername and AuthPassword tags are used to input username and password respectively
    • The AuthSubmitButton tag is used to trigger the login click event, and the AuthCancelButton tag is used to cancel the login event

In the next section, we will be creating a challenge handler component.

Challenge handler in Worklight

A challenge handler is a client-side component, located on the device. It is responsible for detecting an authentication challenge from a server, or when an authentication request from the server allows a developer to create a customized authentication process by collecting credentials and sending them back to the server as its response. Each challenge handler identifies the authentication realm to which it applies. To create a challenge handler, refer to the following section.

Create a JavaScript file that contains the following piece of code. This is the challenge handler component, and it is responsible to bring data from the server and handle the authentication challenge response whenever it arrives from the server:

var myAuthRealmChallengeHandler = WL.Client.createChallengeHandler("myAuthRealm"); //line# 01

myAuthRealmChallengeHandler.isCustomResponse = function(response) { //line# 03 
  if (!response || !response.responseJSON  || response.responseText === null) {
    return false;
  if (typeof(response.responseJSON.authRequired) !== 'undefined'){
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

myAuthRealmChallengeHandler.handleChallenge = function(response){ //line# 15
  var authRequired = response.responseJSON.authRequired;

  if (authRequired == true){ //line# 18

    if (response.responseJSON.errorMessage)
        $("#AuthInfo").html(new Date() + " :: " + response.responseJSON.errorMessage);
  } else if (authRequired == false){
    myAuthRealmChallengeHandler.submitSuccess();//line# 30

$("#AuthSubmitButton").bind('click', function () {
  var username = $("#AuthUsername").val();
  var password = $("#AuthPassword").val();

  var invocationData = {
    adapter : "myAuthAdapter",
    procedure : "submitUserAuthentication",
    parameters : [ username, password ]
  myAuthRealmChallengeHandler.submitAdapterAuthentication(invocationData, {}); //line# 42

$("#AuthCancelButton").bind('click', function () {
  myAuthRealmChallengeHandler.submitFailure();//line# 48

Now let's examine the preceding code:

  • The first line # 01 is about creating a challenge handler object, and it is achieved via the WL.Client.createChallengeHandler() API call. A realm name must be supplied as a parameter. In our case, we have created the realm myAuthRealm.
  • The defined isCustomResponse function on line # 03 of the challenge handler is called each time a response is received from the server. It is used to detect whether the response contains data that is related to this challenge handler. It returns either true or false.
  • If the isCustomResponse function returns true, the framework calls the handleChallenge() function defined on the line # 15. This function is used to perform the required actions, such as hiding the application screen and showing the login screen. The challenge handler provides the following functionalities that you may need to use:
    • The myChallengeHandler.submitAdapterAuthentication() function coded on line # 42 is used to send the collected credentials to a specific adapter procedure. It has the same signature as the WL.Client.invokeProcedure() API.
    • The myChallengeHandler.submitSuccess() function call on line # 30 is used to notify the Worklight framework that the authentication has finished successfully. The Worklight framework then automatically issues the original request that triggers the authentication.
    • The myChallengeHandler.submitFailure() function call on line # 48 is used to notify the Worklight framework that the authentication has failed. The Worklight framework then disposes the original request that triggers the authentication.
  • On line # 18, if authRequires is true, it shows a login screen, cleans up the password field, and shows an errorMessage (if present).
  • If authRequired is false, it shows MainAppDiv, hides AuthDiv, and it notifies the Worklight framework that the authentication is successfully completed.

When the user clicks on the login button, it triggers the function that collects the username and the password from the HTML input fields and submits them to the adapter. Notice that we have used the submitAdapterAuthentication method of the challenge handler.

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