Rapid app development with wxSmith

We have learned about app development for Windows platform in the last few sections. But all our code was hand-written. We also noticed that even for a simple GUI we have to write several lines of code.

So, can we do something about it? How about automatic code generation of GUI codes? Sound interesting! Code::Blocks comes with a plugin, called wxSmith, which can generate C++ code (using wxWidgets toolkit) based on the user generated GUI inside a Visual editor. We'll learn this with another example.

  1. Create a new wxWidgets project. This time we'll name it something meaningful. In the following window enter project title as MyNotePad.
  2. In the following page, select wxSmith as Preferred GUI Builder. This option configures wxWidgets project to use wxSmith GUI builder. Refer the following screenshot:
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  3. After the project generation is complete files following window will be displayed:
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  4. The preceding window have the following three major components:
    • The wxSmith window: This window shows editable UI elements
    • The Resource tree: This window gives an overall view of the project showing hierarchy of GUI elements of that particular project
    • The Property window: This window shows properties of currently selected object in wxSmith window
  5. Click on the MyNotePadFrame item shown in the following screenshot on the resource tree and then click on the Title property in the property window. Type MyNotePad in that text box. This will set title of our app to MyNotePad.
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  6. Now we'll add a wxTextCtrl control to our app. This will add a text box to our app. Click on the wxTextCtrl control button on the toolbar below. Immediately the MyNotePadFrame window shown inside wxSmith window will be selected.
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  7. Click on it and this text control will be added to that. The wxSmith window will look similar to the following screenshot:
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  8. In the property window change the following properties:
    • Text property: It is an empty string. This property stores the text inside a text control
    • Var name property: Change this to TextCtrlNotePad. This property will be used to name object of the wxTextCtrl class.
    • Identifier property ID_TEXTCTRL_NOTEPAD: It will be assigned a unique integer and then will be used to assign it with an event handler and an event type.
  9. Scroll down the property window and click on the Style property. Click on the wxTE_MULTILINE property to check it. This will enable text control show text in multiple lines.
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  10. In this next step, we'll edit menu bar. Double-click on the menu bar icon (shown in following screenshot):
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  11. The MenuBar editor window will pop up. Select the Quit menu option as in the following screenshot in the menu tree on the left side and then click on the New button:
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  12. Click on the ^ button to move the new menu item above, Quit menu option. Four buttons shown in the following screenshot can be used to rearrange menu items in the menu tree:
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  13. Now select the new menu option in the menu tree and change the following properties on the right side:
    • The Id property: Change this to idFileOpen. This property will be defined as a unique integer and will be used to assign it with an event handler and an event type.
    • The Label property: Change this property to &Open. This text defines the menu label and &O text will define an accelerator key. This menu can now be selected and clicked by pressing O button whenever this menu option is visible.
    • The Accelerator property: Change this one to Ctrl+O. This property defines a keyboard accelerator to this menu option. A keyboard accelerator is a unique combination of keystrokes that will generate a click event for this menu option irrespective of menu item's visibility.
    • The Help property: Change this to Opens a file... text. This will display this text in the status bar whenever this option is selected by mouse cursor or keyboard.
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  14. Click on the OK button to close this window. We have now added a menu option to our existing menu bar. Before we add code to open a file with this menu option we need to add a file open save control.
  15. Click on the Dialogs tab and then click on the wxFileDialog control button. This will add a standard file open and save dialog to the MyNotePadFrame class.
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  16. Change the following properties in property window:
    • Wildcard to *.txt. This will set the filter text to files with .txt extension.
    • Var name to NotePadFileDialog. This will be used to create an object of the wxFileDialog class that represents a standard open or save dialog.
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  17. Now we are set to add code to newly added menu option. Click on the &Open item in the resource tree and then click on the {} button in property window. Click on the dropdown box and choose the -- Add new handler -- menu option as in the following screenshot:
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  18. Enter OnFileOpen text in the dialog box and then click on the OK button, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  19. Code editor window will be open. Add the following code to the MyNotePadFrame::OnFileOpen() function.
    int result;
    wxTextFile textFile;
    wxString fileContent;
    result = NotePadFileDialog->ShowModal();
    if (result == wxID_OK) {
      if (textFile.Open(NotePadFileDialog->GetPath())) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < textFile.GetLineCount(); i++) {
          fileContent << textFile.GetLine(i) << _T("

    Let's explain preceding code. We have defined couple of variables in the beginning. We are showing file open dialog using the ShowModal() function and result of this dialog will be stored inside the result variable. Next line checks that we have received a wxID_OK value, which indicates that user has selected a file.

    We are opening a text file in using the Open() function with the filename received from dialog box. If file opening succeeds then we'll create a loop to read all lines one by one. The fileContent variable appends a line read from file and then appends a new line ( on Windows) to this string. When we are done reading all lines opened text file is closed with the Close() function.

    Finally we set text stored inside fileContent variable is stored to our main text control.

    We also need to include an extra header file in order to use the wxTextFile class. Add the following line after the #include <wx/msgdlg.h> line in the MyNotePadMain.cpp file:

    #include <wx/textfile.h>
  20. We are now ready to compile our little notepad app. Hit F9 key to build and run it. Our app will look similar to the following screenshot:
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  21. Go to File | Open menu option and following dialog box will be opened:
    Rapid app development with wxSmith
  22. Click on the Open button and the selected text file will now be opened by our app, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Rapid app development with wxSmith

Our app is now working! We wrote most of our GUI related code with the help of Code::Blocks. Only code that was manually written was the one we have inserted to open a text file. Code::Blocks offers an excellent cross-platform and rapid application development platform. We can develop a GUI app with Code::Blocks easily using this approach.


We have learned and developed our own notepad app in the previous section. However, our app was limited to opening a file. In this exercise we will extend our app to save a text file.

We'll perform the following steps:

  1. Add a menu item &Save to file menu after &Open menu option, with Ctrl+S as keyboard accelerator, idFileSave as ID and Saves a file... as Help text.
  2. Add an event handler to this menu option and add event handler function OnFileSave().
  3. Finally add the following code to the MyNotePadFrame::OnFileSave() function:
    int result;
    result = NotePadFileDialog->ShowModal();
    if (result == wxID_OK) {
      if (!TextCtrlNotePad->SaveFile(NotePadFileDialog->GetPath())) {
        wxMessageBox(_T("Couldn't save ") + NotePadFileDialog->GetPath(),
            _T("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);

This code is similar to the code we wrote for the OnFileOpen() function. We are using the wxTextCtrl::FileSave() function to save our file in line number 5. Code in line number 6 ensures that an error message should be shown when a file can't be written.

I leave it to you to follow earlier steps and complete this exercise. You can refer accompanying MyNotePad app source code for this completed exercise.

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