Chapter 4. Protecting GPG Keys with a Trusted Platform Module

After our investigation into BBB hardware security, we'll now use that technology to protect your personal encryption keys for the popular GPG software. GPG is a free implementation of the OpenPGP standard. This standard was developed based on the work of Philip Zimmerman and his Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) software. PGP has a complex socio-political backstory, which we'll briefly cover before getting into the project. For the project, we'll treat the BBB as a separate cryptographic co-processor and use the CryptoCape, with a keypad code entry device, to protect our GPG keys when they are not in use.

Specifically, we will do the following:

  • Tell you a little about the history and importance of the PGP software
  • Perform basic threat modeling to analyze your project
  • Create a strong PGP key using the free GPG software
  • Teach you to use the TPM to protect encryption keys

History of PGP

The software used in this chapter would have once been considered a munition by the U.S. Government. Exporting it without a license from the government, would have violated the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). As late as the early 1990s, cryptography was heavily controlled and restricted. While the early 90s are filled with numerous accounts by crypto-activists, all of which are well documented in Steven Levy's Crypto, there is one man in particular who was the driving force behind the software in this project: Philip Zimmerman.

Philip Zimmerman had a small pet project around the year 1990, which he called Pretty Good Privacy. Motivated by a strong childhood passion for codes and ciphers, combined with a sense of political activism against a government capable of strong electronic surveillance, he set out to create a strong encryption program for the people (Levy 2001).

One incident in particular helped to motivate Zimmerman to finish PGP and publish his work. This was the language that the then U.S. Senator Joseph Biden added to Senate Bill #266, which would mandate that:

"Providers of electronic communication services and manufacturers of electronic communications service equipment shall ensure that communication systems permit the government to obtain the plaintext contents of voice, data, and other communications when appropriately authorized by law."

In 1991, in a rush to release PGP 1.0 before it was illegal, Zimmerman released his software as a freeware to the Internet. Subsequently, after PGP spread, the U.S. Government opened a criminal investigation on Zimmerman for the violation of the U.S. export laws. Zimmerman, in what is best described as a legal hack, published the entire source code of PGP, including instructions on how to scan it back into digital form, as a book. As Zimmerman describes:


"It would be politically difficult for the Government to prohibit the export of a book that anyone may find in a public library or a bookstore."

 --(Zimmerman, 1995)

A book published in the public domain would no longer fall under ITAR export controls. The genie was out of the bottle; the government dropped its case against Zimmerman in 1996.

Reflecting on the Crypto Wars

Zimmerman's battle is considered a resilient victory. Many other outspoken supporters of strong cryptography, known as cypherpunks, also won battles popularizing and spreading encryption technology. But if the Crypto Wars were won in the early nineties, why hasn't cryptography become ubiquitous? Well, to a degree, it has. When you make purchases online, it should be protected by strong cryptography. Almost nobody would insist that their bank or online store not use cryptography and most probably feel more secure that they do. But what about personal privacy protecting software? For these tools, habits must change as the normal e-mail, chat, and web browsing tools are insecure by default. This change causes tension and resistance towards adoption.

Also, security tools are notoriously hard to use. In the seminal paper on security usability, researchers conclude that the then PGP version 5.0, complete with a Graphical User Interface (GUI), was not able to prevent users, who were inexperienced with cryptography but all of whom had at least some college education, from making catastrophic security errors (Whitten 1999). Glenn Greenwald delayed his initial contact with Edward Snowden for roughly two months because he thought GPG was too complicated to use (Greenwald, 2014). Snowden absolutely refused to share anything with Greenwald until he installed GPG.

GPG and PGP enable an individual to protect their own communications. Implicitly, you must also trust the receiving party not to forward your plaintext communication. GPG expects you to protect your private key and does not rely on a third party. While this adds some complexity and maintenance processes, trusting a third party with your private key can be disastrous. In August of 2013, Ladar Levison decided to shut down his own company, Lavabit, an e-mail provider, rather than turn over his users' data to the authorities. Levison courageously pulled the plug on his company rather then turn over the data.

The Lavabit service generated and stored your private key. While this key was encrypted to the user's password, it still enabled the server to have access to the raw key. Even though the Lavabit service alleviated users from managing their private key themselves, it enabled the awkward position for Levison. To use GPG properly, you should never turn over your private key. For a complete analysis of Lavabit, see Moxie Marlinspike's blog post at

Given the breadth and depth of state surveillance capabilities, there is a re-kindled interest in protecting one's privacy. Researchers are now designing secure protocols, with these threats in mind (Borisov, 2014). Philip Zimmerman ended the chapter on Why Do You Need PGP? in the Official PGP User's Guide with the following statement, which is as true today as it was when first inked:

"PGP empowers people to take their privacy into their own hands. There's a growing social need for it."

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