Configuring Magento 2 with CloudFlare

Are you managing an international-based brand-serving customer all over the globe? Then, using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is the best idea. CDNs are a well-known technique to manage high-traffic websites. It is commonly used to distribute static assets such as images, CSS, and JavaScript as quickly as possible to the nearest location of the customers, which decreases the download times of the website.

The modern CDNs have much more to offer than just serving the assets to the customer. Currently, they improve the user experience with optimized HTML output, merging and deferring JavaScript, TCP optimization, and much more. Basic or advanced security is also top-of-mind, such as (D)DoS protection, SSL, Web Application Firewall (WAF), and much more.


Before using a CDN on production, test which CDN provider fits best for your purpose. Make sure that the POP locations that they serve match your customer locations.

Getting ready

For this recipe, we will use a Droplet created in Chapter 2, Magento 2 System Tools, at DigitalOcean, We will be using NGINX, PHP-FPM, and a Composer-based setup including sample data connected to the CloudFlare CDN. No other prerequisites are required.

How to do it…

For the purpose of this recipe, let's assume that we need to create a Magento 2 Varnish setup. The following steps will guide you through this:

  1. First, we need to create an account at CloudFlare. Go to and complete the supplied form.
  2. Now add a website URL. Choose the default URL of your Magento website, (We can add more URLs under the same CloudFlare account later.) and press Scan DNS Records:
    How to do it…
  3. Once completed, we need to verify that all of our DNS records are listed. This step is really important so make sure to check your current DNS settings and compare or add them to your CloudFlare DNS setup. By default, CloudFlare cannot match all the DNS records automatically.

    Changing your records in this screen will not change anything in production yet. We still need to adjust the primary and secondary Nameservers before everything works. We will do this as shown in the following screenshot:

    How to do it…
  4. Choose your CloudFlare plan. Let's start with the Free Website plan. In a production environment, upgrading to a Pro or Business account is simple; just complete the billing form and you are all set. All new features will be available on the fly and ready to use:
    How to do it…
  5. Now we need to update our Nameservers. CloudFlare will list the Nameservers that we need to complete the last step.

    Depending on your current DNS provider, this could be a simple or hard step. Changing the Nameservers is not always allowed by your provider.


    When ordering a new domain, check whether your provider allows you to change the Nameservers. Choosing the correct domain provider is not always a simple job.

  6. After changing the Nameservers, we need to wait a maximum of 24 hours. The time depends on how quickly your current DNS provider updates them.

    You can check your e-mail or refresh the CloudFlare dashboard to check whether your domain is Active:

    How to do it…
  7. Let's go to the DNS dashboard and check whether our domain name is served using the CloudFlare accelerated and protection technique.

    Once the cloud is orange, including an arrow passing through, then you are connected. Click on the cloud icon to change it:

    How to do it…
  8. Let's check whether the DNS server is serving the correct records and CloudFlare is working. Run the following command on the shell of your current server:
    dig NS +short

    The output looks as follows:

    root@mage2cookbook:~# dig NS +short

    You can also use the following command to check the IPs:

    dig +short

    The output looks as follows:

    root@mage2cookbook:~# dig +short
  9. Congratulations, you just finished configuring a CloudFlare CDN server with Magento 2.

How it works…

Let's recap and find out what we did throughout this recipe. In steps 1 through 9, we installed CloudFlare as a CDN to optimize our worldwide performance.

In steps 1 through 8, we created an account and moved our domain to the CloudFlare DNS. In step 7, we activated the orange cloud in DNS to start using the CDN optimization.

There's more…

If you are interested in how to test the performance of the CloudFlare setup, stay put. Here are some basic commands that you can use:

time curl --I

The output looks as follows:

time curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Magento-Cache-Debug: HIT
Server: cloudflare-nginx
CF-RAY: 257330a8444d2bd6-AMS

real    0m0.198s
user    0m0.006s
sys     0m0.005s

Without CloudFlare, it looks as follows:

time curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Magento-Cache-Debug: HIT

real    0m0.253s
user    0m0.011s
sys     0m0.010s

Keep in mind that this current website is using Varnish. Our Magento 2 server is located in New York while our test server is located in Amsterdam. As you can see, in this test, we save 0.055s. This test is done from server to server. Doing a test from server to real browser clients on a desktop, or mobile device, will result in larger numbers. Larger numbers result in slower connections, which will result in lesser user experience.

Another great load testing tool is Siege. Using Siege helps you to understand how many concurrent clients can visit your website during high loads. We will just cover the basics of Siege here. Install Siege on another Droplet somewhere else in the world. Use the following command to install Siege:

apt-get install siege

Now let's run the following command. We will simulate 50 concurrent users for a period of three minutes. The –d option is the internal delay, in seconds, for which the users sleeps:

siege -c50 -d10 -t3M

Without CloudFlare, the output looks as follows:

siege -c50 -d10 -t3M

Transactions:                   1732 hits
Availability:                 100.00 %
Elapsed time:                 179.79 secs
Data transferred:              15.47 MB
Response time:                  0.18 secs
Transaction rate:               9.63 trans/sec
Throughput:                     0.09 MB/sec
Concurrency:                    1.71
Successful transactions:        1732
Failed transactions:               0
Longest transaction:            0.34
Shortest transaction:           0.15

With CloudFlare, the output looks as follows:

siege -c50 -d10 -t3M

Transactions:                   1716 hits
Availability:                 100.00 %
Elapsed time:                 179.74 secs
Data transferred:              14.05 MB
Response time:                  0.10 secs
Transaction rate:               9.55 trans/sec
Throughput:                     0.08 MB/sec
Concurrency:                    0.96
Successful transactions:        1716
Failed transactions:               0
Longest transaction:            0.62
Shortest transaction:           0.08

In the last test, we can see that the Response time is 0.10 seconds compared to 0.18 seconds.

The test Droplet that we used was located in Amsterdam using two CPUs and 4 GB memory. For a real browser test, it is best to use tools such as Chrome developer tools. Those timings are more accurate and give you a better idea of the real user experience. Testing on a mobile device is a totally different ball game and is out of the scope of this book.

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