Creating tables using setup scripts

When using database models, as explained in the previous recipe, the corresponding tables needs to be created during setup. These operations are placed in setup scripts and executed during the installation of an extension.

Getting ready

While running the installation of a module, there are four files executed to create schemas and insert data. To create schemas, the files used are as follows:



The installation file is executed only when there is no record in the setup_module table for the module. The upgrade file is executed only when the current version number in the setup_module table is lower than the version configured in your etc/module.xml file.

When it's necessary to insert default values into a table or new EAV attributes need to be created, these actions need to be configured in the following files:



Magento keeps track of which version is installed for an extension in the setup_module table; here, the current installed version for the schema and data is stored:

Getting ready

How to do it…

Follow these steps to create your database tables:

  1. The following is the table schema installation:


    namespace GenmatoSampleSetup;
    use MagentoFrameworkSetupInstallSchemaInterface;
    use MagentoFrameworkSetupModuleContextInterface;
    use MagentoFrameworkSetupSchemaSetupInterface;
    use MagentoFrameworkDBAdapterAdapterInterface;
    class InstallSchema implements InstallSchemaInterface
      public function install(SchemaSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)
        $installer = $setup;
        * Create table 'genmato_demo'
        $table = $installer->getConnection()->newTable(
          ['identity' => true, 'nullable' => false, 'primary' => true],
          'Demo ID'
          ['nullable' => false],
          'Demo Title'
          'Creation Time'
          'Modification Time'
          ['nullable' => false, 'default' => '1'],
          'Is Active'
          ['type' => AdapterInterface::INDEX_TYPE_FULLTEXT]
          'Demo Table'
  2. Trigger the execution of the setup scripts:
    bin/magento setup:upgrade

How it works…

In Magento 2, the running of the setup scripts is no longer triggered by the first request after flushing the cache; to initiate the running of these scripts, run the command specified in step 2. When running the upgrade command, all modules are evaluated on their current version and module version in the configuration file. First, all schema installations/updates are executed, and next, the data installations/updates are processed.

The InstallData and InstallSchema files are executed only when there is no prior registration of the extension in the setup_module table. To run the installation files during testing, it is possible to remove the module row from the table and run the bin/magento setup:upgrade command.

The available methods to create a new table are defined in the MagentoFrameworkDBAdapterAdapterInterfaceTable class and are as follows:

  • addColumn: This adds a new column to the table; this method has the following parameters:
    • name: This is the name of the table
    • type: This is the table type; the available column types are defined as constants in the MagentoFrameworkDBAdapterAdapterInterfaceTable class as TYPE_*:














    • size: This specifies the size of the column
    • options: This is used to specify extra column options; the available options are as follows:

      unsigned: This is only for number types; allows True/False (default: False)

      precision: This is only for decimal and numeric types (default: calculated from size parameter or 0 if not set)

      scale: This is only for decimal and numeric types (default: calculated from size parameter or 10 if not set)

      default: The default value is used when creating a new record

      nullable: In case a column is NULL (default: True)

      primary: This makes a column a primary key

      primary_position: This is only for primary keys and sets the sort order for the primary keys

      identity/auto_increment: This auto-increments a column on inserting a new record (used to identify a unique record ID)

    • comment: This is the description of the column
  • addForeignKey: This adds a foreign key relation to another table; the parameters allowed are as follows:
    • fkName: This is the name of the foreign key
    • column: This is the column used as the foreign key
    • refTable: This is the table where the key references to
    • refColumn: This is the column name in the referenced table
    • onDelete: This sets the action to be performed when deleting a record; the available options are (constants as defined in MagentoFrameworkDBAdapterAdapterInterfaceTable):






  • addIndex: This adds a column to the search index; the available parameters are as follows:
    • indexName: This is the name used for the index
    • fields: These are the column(s) used for the index (can be a single column or an array of columns)
    • options: This is an array with extra options; currently, only the option type is used to specify the index type

When changing an existing table, it is possible to use the following methods; these are the methods that can be used directly on the $installer->getConnection() class:

  • dropTable: This removes a table from the database; the available parameters are as follows:
    • tableName: This is the name of the table to delete
    • schemaName: This is the optional schema name used
  • renameTable: This renames a table from the database; the available parameters are as follows:
    • oldTableName: This is the current name of the table
    • newTableName: This is the new name for the table
    • schemaName: This is the optional schema name
  • addColumn: This adds an extra column to a table; the available parameters are as follows:
    • tableName: This is the name of the table to alter
    • columnName: This is the name of the new column
    • definition: This is an array with the following parameters:

      Type: Column type

      Length: Column size

      Default: Default value

      Nullable: If a column can be NULL

      Identify/Auto_Increment: Used as an identity column

      Comment: Column description

      After: Specify where to add the column

    • schemaName: This is the optional schema name
  • changeColumn: This changes the column name and definition; the available parameters are as follows:
    • tableName: This is the name of the table to change
    • oldColumnName: This is the current column name
    • newColumnName: This is the new name for the column
    • definition: This is the table definition; see addColumn for available values
    • flushData: This flushes the table cache
    • schemaName: This is the optional schema name
  • modifyColumn: This changes the column definition; the available parameters are as follows:
    • tableName: This is the name of the table
    • columnName: This is the column name to change
    • definition: This is the table definition; see addColumn for available values
    • flushData: This flushes the table cache
    • schemaName: This is the optional schema name
  • dropColumn: This removes a column from the table; the available parameters are as follows:
    • tableName: This is the name of the column
    • columnName: This is the name of the column to remove
    • schemaName: This is the optional schema name
  • addIndex: This adds a new index; the available parameters are as follows:
    • tableName: This is the name of the table to change
    • indexName: This is the name of the index to add
    • fields: These are the columns to be used as the index
    • indexType: This is the type of index; the available options (constants defined in (MagentoFrameworkDBDdlTableAdapterInterface) are as follows:





    • schemaName: This is the optional schema name
  • dropIndex: This removes an index from a table; the available parameters are as follows:
    • tableName: This is the name of the column
    • indexName: This is the name of the index
    • schemaName: This is the optional schema name
  • addForeignKey: This adds a new foreign key; the available parameters are as follows:
    • fkName: This is the name of the foreign key
    • tableName: This is the name of the table
    • columnName: This is the name of the column used in the foreign key
    • refTableName: This is the name of the referenced table
    • refColumnName: This is the name of the referenced column
    • onDelete: This is the action to perform on delete (see the preceding addForeignKey description for available options)
    • purge: This removes invalid data (default: false)
    • schemaName: This is the optional schema name
    • refSchemaName: This is the option-referenced schema name

There's more…

When, in a later version of the extension, there are extra fields necessary (or the current fields need to be changed), this is handled through the UpgradeSchema function, upgrade:


namespace GenmatoSampleSetup;

use MagentoFrameworkDBDdlTable;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupUpgradeSchemaInterface;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupModuleContextInterface;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupSchemaSetupInterface;

class UpgradeSchema implements UpgradeSchemaInterface
  public function upgrade(SchemaSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)

    if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '0.1.1', '<')) {
      $connection = $setup->getConnection();

      $column = [
        'type' => Table::TYPE_SMALLINT,
        'length' => 6,
        'nullable' => false,
        'comment' => 'Is Visible',
        'default' => '1'
      $connection->addColumn($setup->getTable('genmato_demo'), 'is_visible', $column);


As this file is run every time the module version is different than the currently installed version, it is necessary to check the current version that is installed to execute only the updates necessary:

if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '0.1.1', '<')) {

The preceding statement will make sure that the schema changes are executed only if the current version is less than 0.1.1.

Data installation

In order to provide default content during installation (this can be records in a table or adding extra attributes to some entity), the data installation function is used:


namespace GenmatoSampleSetup;

use GenmatoSampleModelDemo;
use GenmatoSampleModelDemoFactory;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupInstallDataInterface;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupModuleContextInterface;
use MagentoFrameworkSetupModuleDataSetupInterface;

class InstallData implements InstallDataInterface
  * Demo factory
  * @var DemoFactory
  private $demoFactory;

  * Init
  * @param DemoFactory $demoFactory
  public function __construct(DemoFactory $demoFactory)
    $this->demoFactory = $demoFactory;

  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
  public function install(ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context)
    $demoData = [
      'title' => 'Demo Title',
      'is_active' => 1,

    * Insert demo data


  * Create demo
  * @return Demo
  public function createDemo()
    return $this->demoFactory->create();

In this example, there is one record created in the table created during setup. For this, the DemoFactory class is injected through dependency injection into the constructor function of this class. DemoFactory is an automatically created class that allows you to instantiate a class (in this case, GenmatoSampleModelDemo) without injecting this directly into the constructor. Here, this is done in the createDemo function:


Similar to SchemaUpgrade, there is also a DataUpgrade option to insert data while upgrading to a newer version.

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