Chapter 5. Managing Your Store

In this chapter, we will cover the basic tasks related to creating a catalog and products in Magento 2. You will learn the following:

  • Creating shipping and tax rules
  • Managing customer groups
  • Configuring inventories
  • Configuring currency rates
  • Managing advanced pricing


Although we've created categories and products, we are not yet ready to go online. Depending on the country or state we live in and ship to, we have to levy additional charges such as VAT and shipping fees.

These shipping fees and tax rates need to be configured correctly according to the website or store view. Shipping options can be straightforward from free shipping to advanced calculations. But keep in mind that, depending on the situation, it is not as easy as it looks and could take some time to set up.

Besides shipping and tax, we should not forget the inventory. Without the correct inventory setup, we could create issues when it comes to stock management. Magento 2 uses the same inventory setup as Magento 1, and is straightforward to configure out of the box.

Are you selling products overseas and need to use different currency rates? Magento 2 is your best friend. This functionality in a multi-store setup is easy to configure.

Some products may depend on special prices related to customer groups. Creating B2C or B2B groups is straightforward and can be connected to advanced pricing within the product types. These prices will be shown after login or store view.


Lots of system configuration features are basically the same as in Magento 1. Within this chapter we will cover the basics and show Magento 2-specific features when they apply.

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