Getting ready

First install and configure the Apache Kafka and SNAS library for parsing OpenBMP Kafka messages:

$ sh
# Python Network Programming Cookbook, Second Edition -- Chapter - 13
# Install Dependencies
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip libsnappy-dev
sudo pip install python-snappy kafka-python pyyaml
# Install SNAS Python API
git clone
cd openbmp-python-api-message
sudo pip install .
# Go back to the root directory.
cd ..
# Download Apache Kafka
tar -xzf kafka_2.11-

Follow the preceding installation script once to download the dependencies, SNAS, and Kafka. Use the following script to quick-start Kafka Server:

$ sh 13_3
# Python Network Programming Cookbook, Second Edition 
-- Chapter - 13
############################################### # Start Zookeeper. To view the logs real time,
in a terminal: "tail -f zk-server.out".
nohup kafka_2.11-
kafka_2.11- >
zk-server.out &
# Start Kafka-Server. To view the logs real time, in a
terminal: "tail -f kafka-server.out".
nohup kafka_2.11-
kafka_2.11- >
kafka-server.out &

As this script starts Kafka and ZooKeeper as nohup, you need to find and kill these processes when you want to stop them. You may find them by:

$ ps -xa | grep java

Then kill the process using the following command for the relevant Kafka and ZooKeeper processes:

$ kill {process-id}
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