Getting ready

This recipe involves setting up the OPNFV Platform in bare-metal to build VNFs. We have slightly modified the quickstart provided by OPNFV for it to work in a single script. This recipe requires downloading a few GB of image files. If you cannot download 20-30 GB in your current data plan, stop executing this recipe. If your disk space is running low, this may exhaust your remaining space with the configuration of OPNFV as well.

This recipe requires around 1 TB of free hard disk space and 64 GB of RAM. Smaller disks may cause issues such as out of space error when the script sets up five hosts for the NFV. Similarly, if you do not have enough memory, starting the domain will fail. This recipe requires you to have the latest version of Python 2 (tested with Python 2.7). OPNFV projects are not yet compatible with Python 3 as a few libraries are incompatible to work with Python 3.

The installation will take around an hour. So be prepared to wait. Make sure to have at least 30 GB hard disk to be spent for this exercise and a stable internet connection for the script to download and configure the repositories. More details on configuring OPNFV can be found at The details given here are supplementary information to the installation guides of OPNFV. A complete offline installation is also possible, as described at

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