
This chapter introduces Python's core networking library through some simple recipes. Python's socket module has both class-based and instances-based utilities. The difference between a class-based and instance-based method is that the former doesn't need an instance of a socket object. This is a very intuitive approach. For example, in order to print your machine's IP address, you don't need a socket object. Instead, you can just call the socket's class-based methods. On the other hand, if you need to send some data to a server application, it is more intuitive that you create a socket object to perform that explicit operation. The recipes presented in this chapter can be categorized into three groups as follows:

  • In the first few recipes, the class-based utilities have been used in order to extract some useful information about host, network, and any target service.
  • After that, some more recipes have been presented using the instance-based utilities. Some common socket tasks, including manipulating the socket timeout, buffer size, and blocking mode has been demonstrated.
  • Finally, both class-based and instance-based utilities have been used to construct some clients, which perform some practical tasks, for example, synchronizing the machine time with an internet server or writing a generic client/server script.

You can use these demonstrated approaches to write your own client/server application.

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