Getting ready

First install pynsxv using pip:

$ sudo pip install pynsxv

You may confirm that the installation was successful by executing the following commands:

$ pynsxv -h
usage: pynsxv [-h] [-i INI] [-v] [-d] {lswitch,dlr,esg,dhcp,lb,dfw,usage} ...
PyNSXv Command Line Client for NSX for vSphere
positional arguments:
lswitch             Functions for logical switches
dlr                 Functions for distributed logical routers
esg                 Functions for edge services gateways
dhcp                Functions for Edge DHCP
lb                  Functions for Edge Load Balancer
dfw                 Functions for distributed firewall
usage               Functions to retrieve NSX-v usage statistics
optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-i INI, --ini INI     nsx configuration file
-v, --verbose         increase output verbosity
-d, --debug           print low level debug of http transactions

You may encounter the following error due to some version mismatching:

pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'urllib3<1.22,>=1.21.1' distribution was not found and is required by requests

By repeating with the version explicitly specified for pip, this issue can be fixed:

$ sudo pip2 install pynsxv
$ pynsxv lswitch -h
usage: pynsxv lswitch [-h] [-t TRANSPORT_ZONE] [-n NAME] command
Functions for logical switches
positional arguments:
                                create: create a new logical switch
                                read:   return the virtual wire id of a logical switch
                                delete: delete a logical switch"
                                list:   return a list of all logical switches
optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
                            nsx transport zone
-n NAME, --name NAME  logical switch name, needed for create, read and delete

A Python code to use the RESTful API of NSX Manager can be downloaded from, and can be executed using the following command:

$ python

Optionally, you may also install the Python nsx library for OpenStack using the following command:

$ sudo pip install vmware-nsx
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