Getting ready

You may install traIXroute through pip:

$ sudo pip install traixroute

To measure the performance and topologies of the internet, you also need to install scamper (, a parallel measurement utility for the internet:

$ sudo scamper-install

Your traIXroute is now ready to analyze the internet connectivity through the IXPs. You may confirm your successful install by running the --help command, which will produce the output as follows:

$ traixroute --help
usage: traixroute [-h] [-dns] [-asn] [-db] [-rule] [-u] [-m] [-o OUTPUT] [-v]
                 {probe,ripe,import} ...
positional arguments:
    probe               probe --help
    ripe                ripe --help
    import              import --help
optional arguments:
  -h, --help                show this help message and exit
  -dns, --enable-dns-print
                            Enables printing the domain name
of each IP hop in the
traceroute path. -asn, --enable-asn-print Enables printing the ASN of
each IP hop in the
traceroute path. -db, --store-database Enables printing the database information. -rule, --enable-rule-print Enables printing the hit IXP detection rule(s) in the traceroute path. -u, --update Updates the database with up-to-date datasets. -m, --merge Exports the database to distinct files, the ixp_prefixes.txt and ixp_membership.txt. -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Specifies the output file name to redirect the traIXroute results. -v, --version show program's version number and exit
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