Versioning Docker images with tags

A very common need is to quickly identify what version of the software a Docker image is running and optionally stick to it, or to be sure to always run a stable version. This is a perfect use for the Docker tags. We'll build a Terraform container, with both a stable and an unstable tag, so multiple versions can coexist—one for production and one for testing.


Docker tags are not to be mistaken with Docker labels. Labels are purely informative when tags can be requested directly to make images distinct from an operational point of view.

Getting ready

To step through this recipe, you will need a working Docker installation.

How to do it…

Here's a simple Dockerfile to create a Terraform container (Terraform was covered earlier in this book):

FROM alpine:latest
VOLUME ["/data"]
RUN apk --update --no-cache add ca-certificates openssl && 
  wget -O "${TERRAFORM_VERSION}/terraform_${TERRAFORM_VERSION}" && 
  unzip -d /bin && 
  rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/terraform"]
CMD [ "--help" ]

This is the current, stable, and latest version, and it's 0.7.12 as well. We'd like our users to be able to request one of the following:

  • terraform:latest (for those of our users who always want the latest version available)
  • terraform:stable (for those of our users who always want the stable version, opposed to a beta version)
  • terraform:0.7.12 (for those of our users who always want a very specific version, such as for compatibility issues)

This is easily achievable by building directly with all these different tags:

$ docker build -t terraform:latest -t terraform:stable -t terraform:0.7.12 .

Now when requesting which images are available, we can see they all have the same image ID, but with different tags. This is what we wanted, since it's the same image that shares all those tags:

$ docker images terraform
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED              SIZE
terraform           0.7.12              9d53a0811d63        About a minute ago   83.61 MB
terraform           latest              9d53a0811d63        About a minute ago   83.61 MB
terraform           stable              9d53a0811d63        About a minute ago   83.61 MB

Some days later, we release a new version of the software as a Docker container for our team to test it out. This time it's an unstable, 0.8.0-rc1 version. We'd like our users to request this image as one of the following:

  • terraform:latest (it's still the latest version available, even unstable)
  • terraform:unstable (it's a release candidate, not a stable version)
  • terraform:0.8.0-rc1 (it's this specific version)

Change the TERRAFORM_VERSION variable in the Dockerfile, and build the image with the following tags:

$ docker build -t terraform:latest -t terraform:unstable -t terraform:0.8.0-rc1 .

Now, if we look at the available Terraform images, we can confirm that it's the same image ID shared by the latest, unstable, and 0.8.0-rc1 tags, while our users preferring the stable version are not impacted by our changes:

$ docker images terraform
REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
terraform           0.8.0-rc1           44609fa7c016        18 seconds ago      86.77 MB
terraform           latest              44609fa7c016        18 seconds ago      86.77 MB
terraform           unstable            44609fa7c016        18 seconds ago      86.77 MB
terraform           0.7.12              9d53a0811d63        9 minutes ago       83.61 MB
terraform           stable              9d53a0811d63        9 minutes ago       83.61 MB


This leads to a very important question: as the latest tag is by default when not specifying any, should it be also used for unstable releases? This is something you have to answer according to your needs and environment.

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