Managing users, keys, and credentials using cloud-init

There's a high probability we won't plan to use the default root account, or even the default user account from our distribution (those ubuntu or centos users). There's an even higher probability we'll need a Unix account very early in the process, even before the proper configuration management tool enters the game.

Let's say our IT security policy wants us to have an emergency user account in a group named infosec for the IT security team with passwordless sudo rights and the simple /bin/sh shell. This account has one authorized public key automatically populated. The policy is also to remove the default ubuntu account.

Getting ready

To step through this recipe, you will need:

  • Access to a cloud-config enabled infrastructure

How to do it…

To create a group, we use a directive simply named groups, taking a list of groups. Any group can have a sublist of users to put in that group:

  - infosec: [emergency]

To create a user, let's use a directive named users, taking a list of users. This list of users has a set of keys, such as groups the user is a member of, sudo rights, which shell to default to, or an SSH public key to authorize. Here's how it looks for our user emergency:

  - name: emergency
    groups: sudo
    shell: /bin/sh
    sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL']
      - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC+fAfzjw5+mUZ7nGokB0tzO9fOLKrjHGVlabpRUxvsIN/dRRmiBA9NDh5YRZ/ThAhn+RvPKGTBrXmuv3qWd/iWc3nie0fc2zDX1/Dc8EAIF9ybXfSxT2DXOWWLOvNdUVOZNifmsmCQ1z0p9hg3bo65c0ZEBpXHIk+l75uFWAIYZ/4jnXyFWz1ptmQR7gnAk2KBK19sj1Ii0pNjGyVbl5bNitWb3ulaviIT3FCswZoOsYvcLpOwQrMA3k12kEAb30CYpesGcq6WDHAZSpWkFvc3Cd/AET4/SjtyYpQVEhUn84v106WbNeDyJpUX6cz2WG2UaEqZc0VqZVhI63jG7wUR emergency@host

Once logged in as emergency using the private key, let's verify cloud-init did the job:

$ whoami
$ groups emergency
emergency : emergency sudo
$ echo $SHELL
$ sudo whoami


We never explicitly asked to remove the default ubuntu user account: it's automatic as soon as we create an initial user.

However, if we wanted to keep the default user from our Linux distribution, we'd just have to add the following default user to the users directive:

  - default
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