Enabling CloudWatch Logs for Docker with Terraform

CloudWatch Logs is a log aggregation service by Amazon you can use to send your logs to. It's very useful to keep some logs centralized, share access to them, receive alarms when errors happen, or simply store them safely. We'll see how to create a CloudWatch Log group and use it to stream logs from a Docker container logs inside it.

Getting ready

To step through this recipe, you will need the following:

  • A working Terraform installation
  • An AWS provider configured in Terraform (refer to the previous recipes)
  • An Internet connection
  • A Docker Engine running on Linux for the optional usage demonstration

How to do it…

Let's say we want the log group to be named docker_logs, and that we want to keep those logs for seven days. In the variables.tf file, that would look like this:

variable "log_group_name" {
  default = "docker_logs"

variable "log_retention_days" {
  default = "7"

Also, in a new cloudwatch.tf file, we can use the simple aws_cloudwatch_log_group resource:

resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_group" "docker_logs" {
  name              = "${var.log_group_name}"
  retention_in_days = "${var.log_retention_days}"

After a terraform apply, if you navigate to the AWS CloudWatch page, you'll see the newly created group under the Log Groups entry on the left (https://eu-west-1.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/).

How to do it…

Amazon CloudWatch Logs Docker logging driver

You can now use this group to create a log stream from an application or a container. Using it as recommended by AWS is well documented, so let's use it with Docker instead. It only requires to give the Docker daemon access to the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables (configuring the Docker daemon is out of the scope of this chapter, but that's under /etc/sysconfig/docker for Red Hat-based systems such as Fedora or CentOS, and /etc/default/docker for Debian/Ubuntu systems). Restart the daemon and start logging your containers output using a new Docker logging driver, using the log group name specified in Terraform earlier (docker_logs):

$ docker run -it --rm -p 80:80 --log-driver=awslogs --log-opt awslogs-region=eu-west-1 --log-opt awslogs-group=docker_logs --log-opt awslogs-stream=nginx nginx:stable

Generate some activity on the container:

$ curl -IL http://localhost
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Refresh the AWS CloudWatch page and you'll see a new entry named nginx with the container logs. You can run all your containers in your infrastructure like this and get centralized logging very easily!

Amazon CloudWatch Logs Docker logging driver
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