Chapter 7. Supporting Device Functionalities Using Ionic Native

In this chapter, we will cover the following tasks related to native device feature support:

  • Taking a photo using the camera plugin
  • Sharing content using the social sharing plugin
  • Displaying a term of service using InAppBrowser
  • Creating a Taxi app using the Google Maps plugin and geocode support


In this chapter, you will learn how to access some common features of a device, such as the camera, contact list, e-mail, and maps. Some of these features can be written in a JavaScript-only environment, but the performance is not on a par with native support.

Cordova has a very well supported community with many plugins. You may want to check out to understand what is out there. Luckily, you don't need to deal with these plugins directly. You will use the Ionic Native ( service on top of Cordova and Angular 2. Keep in mind that you have to use Ionic Native instead of ngCordova for Ionic 2 because of compatibility issues. You can only use ngCordova for Ionic 1.x.

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