Transforming reactive sequences with operators

When working with reactive sequences, besides creating and consuming a stream, it is vital to have the ability to transform and manipulate them flawlessly. Only then does reactive programming become a useful technique. Project Reactor provides instruments (methods and factory methods) for almost any required reactive transformation, and in general, we may categorize the features of the libraries as follows:

  • Transforming existing sequences
  • Methods for peeking at the sequences' processing
  • Splitting and joining Flux sequences
  • Working with time
  • Returning data synchronously

Here, we cannot describe all of Reactor's operators and factory methods because it would take too many pages and it is almost impossible to remember all of them. It is also unnecessary given that Project Reactor provides excellent documentation, including a guide to selecting appropriate operators: Still, in this section, we are going to walk through the most used operators with some code samples.

Note that most operators have many overrides with different options to augment basic behavior. Also, with each version, Project Reactor receives more and more useful operators. So, please refer to Reactor's documentation for the most recent updates regarding operators.

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