Other valuable endpoints

Along with the endpoints mentioned previously, a Spring Boot actuator provides an extensive list of handy web-endpoints. The proper documentation is available from the following link: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/actuator-api/html.

Nevertheless, the most important are listed here with brief descriptions (all endpoints are located under the base Actuator URL /actuator):

  • /configprops: This provides access to all possible configuration properties in the application.
  • /env: This provides access to environment variables.
  • /mappings: This provides access to all exposed web endpoints in the application.
  • /httptraceThis provides access to recorded HTTP interaction for server-side and client-side.
  • /auditevents: This gives access to all audited events in the application.
  • /beans: This provides the list of available beans in the Spring context.
  • /cachesThis provides access to the cache management of the application.
  • /sessionsThis provides a list of active HTTP sessions.
  • /threaddump: This makes it possible to get a thread dump for the application's JVM.
  • /heapdump: This makes it possible to generate and download a heap dump. Note that in that case, the resulting file will be in HPROF format: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/samples/hprof.html.
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