Knative for FaaS over Kubernetes and Istio

In the middle of 2018, Google and Pivotal announced the Knative project ( This aims to make Kubernetes able to deploy and run serverless workloads. For communication routing between services, Knative uses the Istio project (, which may also provide a dynamic route configuration, release canaries, gradually upgrade versions, and conduct A/B testing. One of the goals of Knative is to unroll a private FaaS platform on any cloud provider that may run Kubernetes (or on-premise).

Another Pivotal project called Project Riff ( built on top of Knative. The main idea behind Project Riff is to package functions as containers, deploy to Kubernetes, connect those functions with event brokers, and scale containers with functions depending on the rate of incoming events. Also, Project Riff support functions that may process streams in the reactive fashion with the support of Project Reactor and Spring Cloud Function.

Knative and Project Riff are still in the early stages of development, but the following articles describe the motivation, use-cases, and ideas behind these projects:,,

Also, the following article explains how to use Riff step by step:

In some aspects, Knative and Project Riff may extend the capabilities of a Spring Cloud Data Flow and Spring Cloud Function modules, but in other aspects, they are competitors. In any case, the most likely initiative around Knative will bring us one more platform for deploying Reactive Applications implemented in the FaaS paradigm.

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