Client-side WebSocket API

Unlike the WebSocket module (which is based on WebMVC), WebFlux provides us with client-side support too. In order to send a WebSocket connection request, we have the WebSocketClient class. WebSocketClient has two central methods to execute WebSocket connections, as shown in the following code sample:

public interface WebSocketClient {
Mono<Void> execute(
URI url,
WebSocketHandler handler
Mono<Void> execute(
URI url,
HttpHeaders headers,
WebSocketHandler handler

As we can see, WebSocketClient uses the same WebSockeHandler interface in order to process messages from the server and send messages back. There are a few WebSocketClient implementations that are related to the server engine, such as the TomcatWebSocketClient implementation or the JettyWebSocketClient implementation. In the following example, we will look at ReactorNettyWebSocketClient:

WebSocketClient client = new ReactorNettyWebSocketClient();

session -> Flux

The preceding example shows how we can use ReactorNettyWebSocketClient to wire a WebSocket connection and start sending periodic messages to the server.

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