Data handling patterns in the modern world

Even though monolithic software systems still exist, operating on and supporting a lot of our everyday activities, most new systems are designed for—or at least at some point are transitioned to—microservices. Microservices is now probably the most dominant architectural style for modern applications, especially cloud-native applications. In most cases, this approach allows a rapid development cycle for a software product. At the same time, it also provides an opportunity for more cost-effective underlying infrastructure (servers, networking, backups, and so on), especially when relying on cloud providers such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform, or Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

For more information about cloud-native applications, see the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Charter at More pros and cons of cloud-native applications in the context of reactive programming are covered in Chapter 10And, Finally, Release It!

We will now take a look at an overview of the basics of data storing in the context of microservices, possible strategies, implementation approaches, and some recommendations related to data persistence.

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