Configurationless deployment with Spring Cloud Data Flow for PCF

Even though Pivotal Cloud Foundry simplifies the overall deployment process and Spring Cloud ecosystem provides the comprehensive assistance to minimize the amount of configuration inside the application, we still have to deal with some of them. However, as we might remember from Chapter 8Scaling Up with Cloud Streams, there is a fantastic solution that simplifies application development for a cloud. That solution is called Spring Cloud Data Flow. The central idea behind the project is the simplification of a reactive system development over a user-friendly interface. Along with that central feature, Spring Cloud Data Flow provides an extensive list of implementations for different Cloud providers which may be found at the following link: The most significant for our use cases are the implementations for PCF. Spring Cloud Data Flow may be installed on PCF and provides a serverless solution out of the box for deploying pipelines directly on to the PCF.

All required documentation regarding Spring Cloud Data Flow installation onto PCF may be found here:

To summarize, a Pivotal Cloud Foundry as a PaaS provides extensive support for simplifying the application deployment process with the minimum required effort from the developers. It handles a lot of infrastructural responsibilities for our applications like provisioning message brokers or database instances. Also, PCF integrates well with Spring Cloud Data Flow. Hence, the development of Reactive Cloud Native Applications becomes a developer's dream.

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