
In this chapter, we covered the challenges of software delivery and operation. We also named a few techniques and Spring modules that help to simplify the software product release and operation hassle. A Spring Boot Actuator provides service identification, health status, metrics, configuration information, elemental request tracing, the ability to dynamically change log levels, and much more. Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin also bring distributed tracing to our microservice system, even to reactive components. Spring Boot Admin 2.x gives a unique UI experience, exposing all metrics in the form of charts and expressive reports. All of this significantly simplifies the life of DevOps or operational teams, enabling us to focus mainly on business tasks since Spring Boot modules and plugins cover most of the boilerplate.

In addition to this, we have covered how easy it is to configure a reactive Spring application to run in the cloud, including IaaS, CaaS, and PaaS modes of operation. We have described how to deploy applications to AWS with Boxfuse, to GKE with Docker, and to PCF, which was designed to run Spring applications properly from the beginning.

With all that said, a reactive system built with a Spring stack already has all the crucial elements not only for efficient resource utilization but also for a successful operation in the cloud. 

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