An example using ELKI

In Chapter 3Basic Algorithms – Classification, Regression, and Clustering, you already saw how to get the required .jar file for ELKI. We will follow a similar process, as follows:

Open Command Prompt or Terminal, and execute the following command:

java -jar elki-bundle-0.7.1.jar

This will provide the GUI interface, as shown in the following screenshot:

In the GUI, the and algorithm parameters are highlighted and need to be set. We will use pov.csv file, as This CSV file can be downloaded from

For the algorithm, select outlier.clustering.EMOutlier, and in em.k, pass 3 as the value. The following screenshot shows all of the filled-in options:

Click on the Run Task button, and it will process and generate the following output:

This shows clustering and the possible outliers.

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