Model maintenance

Another aspect that we need to address is how the model will be maintained. Is this a model that will not change over time? Is it modeling a dynamic phenomenon requiring the model to adjust its prediction over time?

The model is usually built in an offline batch training and then used on live data to serve predictions as shown in the following diagram. If we are able to receive feedback on model predictions, for instance, whether the stock went up as the model predicted, and whether the candidate responded to campaign, the feedback should be used to improve the initial model:

The feedback could be really useful to improve the initial model, but make sure to pay attention to the data you are sampling. For instance, if you have a model that predicts who will respond to a campaign, you will initially use a set of randomly contacted clients with specific responded/not responded distribution and feature properties. The model will focus only on a subset of clients that will most likely respond and your feedback will return you a subset of clients that responded. By including this data, the model is more accurate in a specific subgroup, but might completely miss some other group. We call this problem exploration versus exploitation. Some approaches to address this problem can be found in Osugi et al. (2005) and Bondu et al. (2010).

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