Evaluating models

Now, let's take a closer look at the evaluation function. The evaluation function accepts an initialized model, cross-validates the model on all three problems, and reports the results as an area under the ROC curve (AUC), as follows:

public static double[] evaluate(Classifier model) 
throws Exception { double results[] = new double[4]; String[] labelFiles = new String[]{ "churn", "appetency", "upselling"}; double overallScore = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < labelFiles.length; i++) {

First, we call the Instance loadData(String, String) function that we implemented earlier to load the training data and merge it with the selected labels:

    // Load data 
    Instances train_data = loadData( 
     path + "orange_small_train.data", 

Next, we initialize the weka.classifiers.Evaluation class and pass our dataset. (The dataset is only used to extract data properties; the actual data is not considered.) We call the void crossValidateModel(Classifier, Instances, int, Random) method to begin cross-validation, and we create five folds. As validation is done on random subsets of the data, we need to pass a random seed, as well:

    // cross-validate the data 
    Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(train_data); 
    eval.crossValidateModel(model, train_data, 5,  
    new Random(1)); 

After the evaluation completes, we read the results by calling the double areUnderROC(int) method. As the metric depends on the target value that we are interested in, the method expects a class value index, which can be extracted by searching the index of the "1" value in the class attribute, as follows:

    // Save results 
    results[i] = eval.areaUnderROC( 
    overallScore += results[i]; 

Finally, the results are averaged and returned:

  // Get average results over all three problems 
  results[3] = overallScore / 3; 
  return results; 
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