Use case identification

As we did earlier on in this book, we shall commence our use case specification procedure by firstly identifying the actors of the system. Before we can identify the actors of the system, we must have a thorough understanding of what the Place Reviewer web application can do.

As you may have figured out already, the Place Reviewer web application is an internet-based application that facilitates the frictionless creation of location reviews by users of the platform. Once a user has been registered, he/she is able to utilize the platform to create an opinionated review (a review based on personal experiences) of any location in the world. The user will be able to select the location that he/she wants to review with the help of a map.

Now that we understand what the Place Reviewer application can do, we can go ahead and identify the actors in the Place Reviewer system. As you will have surmised by this time, the implementation of the Place Reviewer application we are going to make only has one actor—the user. The use cases of the user are as follows:

  • The user uses the Place Reviewer application to create location reviews
  • The user uses the Place Reviewer application to view reviews that were created by other users
  • The user can view the exact location that was reviewed, by another user, on an interactive map
  • The user can register on the Place Reviewer platform
  • The user can logout from his/her Place Reviewer account

We have made suitable progress thus far. We have been able to state unequivocally what the Place Reviewer system does, identify the actors of the system, and clearly state the use cases of the system by its sole actor - the user. Let us go a step further by identifying the data that the system will need to cater for.

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