The while loops

A while loop executes instructions within a block as long as a specified condition is met. The while loops are created using the while keyword. It takes the following form:

while (condition) { … }

As in the case of the for loop, the block is optional in the case where only one sentence is within the scope of the loop. In a while loop, the statements in the block execute repeatedly while the condition specified still holds. Consider the following code:

val names = arrayOf("Jeffrey", "William", "Golding", "Segun", "Bob")
var i = 0

while (!names[i].equals("Segun")) {
println("I am not Segun.")

In the preceding program, the block of code within the while loop executes and prints I am not Segun until the name Segun is encountered. Once Segun is encountered, the loop terminates and nothing else is printed out, as shown in the following screenshot:

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