What next?

If you are reading this section, you have most likely successfully gone through this book. First of all, allow me to congratulate you on making it this far! Your dedication and drive towards learning Kotlin is nothing short of praiseworthy. At this stage, the question what next? is likely running through your mind. This section was made to specifically to answer that question.

First and foremost, it is necessary that you strive to attain mastery of Kotlin. This will take dedication and practice—lots and lots of practice—but ultimately it is doable. The following will help you get to the level of mastery that you desire:

  • Practice programming with Kotlin daily: This is highly important as it will ensure that what you have learned about Kotlin so far sticks. In addition, doing this will help you discover new constructs, patterns, data structures, and paradigms that will take your programming skills to the next level.
  • Read! Read! Read!: This cannot be emphasized enough. In order to attain mastery of any skill, it is important that you acquire as much knowledge as possible pertaining to it. As such, you must make reading about Kotlin and Kotlin-related topics a habit. An amazing place to start is the official Kotlin reference, which you can access at this link: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference. Furthermore, do not shy away from picking up other quality books on Kotlin.
  • Ask and answer questions relating to Kotlin: At many points in your journey to mastery of Kotlin, questions about the language—both big and small—will pop into your mind. Do not let these questions go unanswered. If you do, you will be missing out on a beautiful learning experience. Platforms such as Stack Overflow and Quora were made specifically for knowledge sharing. Make sure you form a habit of using these platforms to get answers to your most pressing questions about the language. Also, feel free to answer questions when you are comfortable with doing so.
  • Build things!: This goes without saying. Few things give more experience with a tool than building with the tool yourself. Make sure you do not shy away from taking up offers to build Kotlin applications. Building is necessary for rapid progress with a tool.

If you maintain a passion for Kotlin and follow these suggestions, you will attain mastery of Kotlin in no time. Best of luck with your journey ahead!

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