Releasing your Android app

Having signed your Messenger application, you can proceed with completing the required application details toward the goal of releasing your app. Firstly, you need to create a suitable store listing for the application. Open the Messenger app in the Google Play Console and navigate to the store-listing page (this can be done by selecting Store Listing on the side navigation bar).

You will need to fill out all the required information in the store listing page before we proceed further. This information includes product details, such as a title, short description, full description, as well as graphic assets and categorization information—including the application type, category and content rating, contact details, and privacy policy. The Google Play Console store listing page is shown in the following screenshot:

Once the store listing information has been filled in, the next thing to fill in is the pricing and distribution information. Select Pricing & distribution on the left navigation bar to open up its preference selection page. For the sake of this demonstration, we set the pricing of this app to FREE. We also selected five random countries to distribute this application to. These countries are Nigeria, India, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Australia:

Besides selecting the type of pricing and the available countries for product distribution, you will need to provide additional preference information. The necessary information to be provided includes device category information, user program information, and consent information.

It is now time to add our signed APK to our Google Play Console app. Navigate to App releases | MANAGE BETA | EDIT RELEASE. In the page that is presented to you, you may be asked whether you want to opt into Google play app signing:

For the sake of this example, select OPT-OUT. Once OPT-OUT is selected, you will be able to choose your APK file for upload from your computer's file system. Select your APK for upload by clicking BROWSE FILES, as shown in the following screenshot:

After selecting an appropriate APK, it will be uploaded to the Google Play Console. Once the upload is done, the play console will automatically add a suggested release name for your beta release. This release name is based on the version name of the uploaded APK. Modify the release name if you are not comfortable with the suggestion. Next, add a suitable release note in the text field provided. Once you are satisfied with the data you have input, save and continue by clicking the Review button at the bottom of the web page. After reviewing the beta release, you can roll it out if you have added beta testers to your app. Rolling out a beta release is not our focus, so let's divert back to our main goal: publishing the Messenger app.

Having uploaded an APK for your application, you can now complete the mandatory content rating questionnaire. Click the Content rating navigation item on the sidebar and follow the instructions to do this. Once the questionnaire is complete, appropriate ratings for your application will be generated:

With the completion of the content rating questionnaire, the application is ready to be published to production. Applications that are published to production are made available to all users on the Google Play Store. On the play console, navigate to App releases | Manage Production | Create releases. When prompted to upload an APK, click the ADD APK FROM LIBRARY button to the right of the screen and select the APK we previously uploaded (the APK with a version name of 1.0) and complete the necessary release details similar to how we did when creating a beta release. Click the review button at the bottom of the page once you are ready to proceed. You will be given a brief release summary in the page that follows:

Go through the information presented in the summary carefully. Start the roll out to production once you have asserted that you are satisfied with the information presented to you in the summary. Once you start the roll out to production, you will be prompted to confirm your understanding that your app will become available to users of the Play Store:

Click Confirm once you are ready for the Messenger app to go live on the Play Store. Congratulations! You have now published your first application to the Google Play Store!

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