Configuring Kibana

Kibana can be easily configured to read logs that have been stashed to an Elasticsearch index. Access the Kibana web UI (http://localhost:5601/) and navigate to the settings management page by clicking Management on the left navigation bar. Our first course of action in configuring Kibana is the creation of an index pattern. Click Index Patterns on the management screen to manage the index patterns recognized by Kibana:

Since you haven't previously created an index pattern on Kibana, you will be prompted to do so:

Input the name of one of the indices recognized by Kibana (displayed on the screen) in the Index pattern field. After inputting an index pattern, proceed to the next step. You will be required to select a time filter field name in the next step:

Select @timestamp as the time filter field name in the dropdown. Having selected a time filter field, finish the creation of the index pattern by clicking Create Index Pattern. You can manage index patterns you have created at any time from the settings management page by selecting Index Patterns. Check your saved patterns:

If you see the pattern we just created, then congratulations; you have successfully configured Kibana!

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