Mobile service module

Windows Azure offers a simple platform to create portable mobile applications. You can begin the development of your mobile app using the Azure mobile SDK. There are so many libraries already available in Azure SDK such as notification, authentication, and so on. You can focus on your business logic and Azure SDK will help you in the common routines to ship your app faster.

Windows Azure provides a very easy platform to develop mobile applications. You can simply start using mobile development tools after logging in to your account. You don't have to write big custom code for the mobile application if you use this service. The push notifications can be sent, data can be stored, and users can be authenticated in less time.

Please refer to the following screenshot for the full list of mobile service modules:

As you can see, the list of modules is enough for mobile app developers to bootstrap their application quickly and easily.

Let's look over the last, and one of my favorite, modules: the internet of things (IoT)!

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