Integrating the Graph API with Node.js

Cosmos DB supports graph using gremlin support, and gremlin is supported in Node.js for a long time.

We can install the gremlin node modules using the following command:

npm install gremlin@latest
Always lock the dependencies in production.

You can create a new Graph API in Azure portal and copy the connection details. I am going to show the sample code to connect to that graph database.

We have installed the node module. Let's place our configuration details in one file:

var config = {}
config.endpoint = "graph api end point";
config.primaryKey = "primary key";
config.database = "database name"
config.collection = "collection name"
module.exports = config;

Now, we can connect to the Graph DB using the following code:

var Gremlin = require('gremlin');
var config = require("./config");
var client = Gremlin.createClient(
        "session": false, 
        "ssl": true, 
        "user": `/dbs/${config.database}/colls/${config.collection}`,
        "password": config.primaryKey

You can run the code using node <filename.js> and if the connection string is bad, it will throw an error and exit.

You can use execute(query) function to perform the queries in your graph database, for example:

This code piece will return the number of vertices present in the graph:

client.execute("g.V().count()", { }, (err, results) => {
  if (err) return console.error(err);
  console.log("Result: %sn", JSON.stringify(results));

Similarly, you can execute other queries as well.

This covers the Node.js integration with Graph DB as well.

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