Big data modules

The extensive measure of data can be stored and retrieved using Windows Azure. Azure offers HDInsight, which is a Hadoop-based service to determine and sense out enormous information stored as big data. Companies regularly need to oversee extensive measures of information which are not fundamentally relational in nature. Hadoop is used by many organizations nowadays, and it is used in Azure too.

In this manner, Azure offers Hadoop benefits on their platform for their customers. The term big compute alludes to high-performing calculations. This is accomplished by executing code in parallel on many machines in the meantime.

The components offered by big data modules are shown in following screenshot:

As you can see, Azure offers big data services ranging from storage using Hadoop clusters to performing analytics over big data, performing log analytics to determine errors, and generating reports based on your data.

Azure also provides machine learning web services to be used as smart algorithms to train and derive sense out of data.

Let's look over the caching and messaging modules.

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