
Back in Chapter 2, Getting Started with Functional Programming, in the section First-class and high-order functions, when we introduced lambda functions, we show the definition of Function1:

/** A function that takes 1 argument. */
public interface Function1<in P1, out R> : Function<R> {
/** Invokes the function with the specified argument. */
public operator fun invoke(p1: P1): R

The invoke function is an operator, a curious one. The invoke operator can be called without name.

The class Wolf has an invoke operator:

enum class WolfActions {

class Wolf(val name:String) {
operator fun invoke(action: WolfActions) = when (action) {
WolfActions.SLEEP -> "$name is sleeping"
WolfActions.WALK -> "$name is walking"
WolfActions.BITE -> "$name is biting"

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val talbot = Wolf("Talbot")

talbot(WolfActions.SLEEP) // talbot.invoke(WolfActions.SLEEP)

That's why we can call a lambda function directly with parenthesis; we are, indeed, calling the invoke operator.

The following table will show you different declarations of invoke with a number of different arguments:

Operator Equivalent Notes
x() x.invoke()
x(y) x.invoke(y)
x(y1, y2) x.invoke(y1, y2)
x(y1, y2..., yN) x.invoke(y1, y2..., yN)
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