Creating a DSL

One of my big passions is cycling. The emotion of movement, the effort, the health benefits, and enjoying the landscape are some of the benefits (and I can keep going on and on).

I want to create a way to have a registry of my bikes and their components. For the prototype phase, I'll use XML, but later on we can change to a different implementation:

<bicycle description="Fast carbon commuter">
<bar material="ALUMINIUM" type="FLAT">
<frame material="CARBON">
<wheel brake="DISK" material="ALUMINIUM">
<fork material="CARBON">
<wheel brake="DISK" material="ALUMINIUM">

This is the perfect scenario to create a type-safe builder in Kotlin.

In the end, my bicycle DSL should look like this:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val commuter = bicycle {
description("Fast carbon commuter")
bar {
barType = FLAT
material = ALUMINIUM
frame {
material = CARBON
backWheel {
material = ALUMINIUM
brake = DISK
fork {
material = CARBON
frontWheel {
material = ALUMINIUM
brake = DISK


My DSL is regular Kotlin code, is compiled fast, and my IDE will help me to autocomplete, and will complain when I make a mistakeā€”a win-win situation.

Let's start with the program:

interface Element {
fun render(builder: StringBuilder, indent: String)

All parts of my bicycle in my DSL will extend/implement the Element interface:

annotation class ElementMarker

abstract class Part(private val name: String) : Element {
private val children = arrayListOf<Element>()
protected val attributes = hashMapOf<String, String>()

protected fun <T : Element> initElement(element: T, init: T.() -> Unit): T {
return element

override fun render(builder: StringBuilder, indent: String) {
builder.append("$indent<$name${renderAttributes()}> ")
children.forEach { c -> c.render(builder, indent + " ") }
builder.append("$indent</$name> ")

private fun renderAttributes(): String = buildString {
attributes.forEach { attr, value -> append(" $attr="$value"") }

override fun toString(): String = buildString {
render(this, "")

Part is the base class for all my parts; it has children and attributes properties; it also inherits the Element interface with an XML implementation. Changing to a different format (JSON, YAML, and others) should not be too difficult.

The initElement function receives two parameters, an element T and an init function with receiver T.() -> Unit. Internally, the init function is executed and the element is added as children.

Part is annotated with an @ElementMarker annotation, that is itself annotated with @DslMarker. It prevents inner elements from reaching outer elements.

In this example, we can use frame:

val commuter = bicycle {
description("Fast carbon commuter")
bar {
barType = FLAT
material = ALUMINIUM
frame { } //compilation error

It is still possible to do it explicitly with this qualified:

val commuter = bicycle {
description("Fast carbon commuter")
bar {
barType = FLAT
material = ALUMINIUM
this@bicycle.frame{ }

Now, several enumerations to describe materials, bar types, and brakes:

enum class Material {

enum class BarType {

enum class Brake {

Some of these parts have a material attribute:

abstract class PartWithMaterial(name: String) : Part(name) {
var material: Material
get() = Material.valueOf(attributes["material"]!!)
set(value) {
attributes["material"] =

We use a material property of type Material enumeration, and we store it inside the attributes map, transforming the value back and forth:

class Bicycle : Part("bicycle") {

fun description(description: String) {
attributes["description"] = description

fun frame(init: Frame.() -> Unit) = initElement(Frame(), init)

fun fork(init: Fork.() -> Unit) = initElement(Fork(), init)

fun bar(init: Bar.() -> Unit) = initElement(Bar(), init)

Bicycle defines a description function and functions for frame, fork, and bar. Each function receives an init function that we pass directly to initElement.

Frame has a function for the back wheel:

class Frame : PartWithMaterial("frame") {
fun backWheel(init: Wheel.() -> Unit) = initElement(Wheel(), init)

Wheel has a property brake using the Brake enumeration:

class Wheel : PartWithMaterial("wheel") {
var brake: Brake
get() = Brake.valueOf(attributes["brake"]!!)
set(value) {
attributes["brake"] =

Bar has a property for its type, using the BarType enumeration:

class Bar : PartWithMaterial("bar") {

var barType: BarType
get() = BarType.valueOf(attributes["type"]!!)
set(value) {
attributes["type"] =

Fork defines a function for the front wheel:

class Fork : PartWithMaterial("fork") {
fun frontWheel(init: Wheel.() -> Unit) = initElement(Wheel(), init)

We are close to the finish, the only thing that we need now is an entry function for our DSL:

fun bicycle(init: Bicycle.() -> Unit): Bicycle {
val cycle = Bicycle()
return cycle

And that's all. DSLs in Kotlin with the infix functions, operator overloading, and type-safe builders are extremely powerful, and the Kotlin community is creating new and exciting libraries every day.

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