Named parameters on high-order functions

Usually when we define a high-order function, we never name the parameters for the lambda(s):

fun high(f: (Int, String) -> Unit) {
f(1, "Romeo")

high { q, w ->
//Do something

But it is possible to add them. So, the f lambda now has its parameters named—age and name:

fun high(f: (age:Int, name:String) -> Unit) {
f(1, "Romeo")

This doesn't change any behavior, it is just to give more clarity on the intended use of this lambda:

fun high(f: (age:Int, name:String) -> Unit) {
f(age = 3, name = "Luciana") //compilation error

But it isn't possible to call a lambda with named parameters. In our example, invoking f with names produces a compilation error.

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