Partial application

With function composition, we take two functions to create the third function; with partial application, we create a new function by passing a parameter to an existing function.

Arrow comes with two flavours of partial application—explicit and implicit.

The explicit style uses a series of extension functions called partially1, partially2, all the way up to partially22. The implicit style takes a series of extensions, overloading the invoke operator:

package com.packtpub.functionalkotlin.chapter11

import arrow.syntax.function.invoke
import arrow.syntax.function.partially3

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val strong: (String, String, String) -> String = { body, id, style -> "<strong id="$id" style="$style">$body</strong>" }

val redStrong: (String, String) -> String = strong.partially3("font: red") //Explicit

val blueStrong: (String, String) -> String = strong(p3 = "font: blue") //Implicit

println(redStrong("Red Sonja", "movie1"))
println(blueStrong("Deep Blue Sea", "movie2"))

Both styles can be chained as follows:

fun partialSplitter(billAndOrder: Pair<Bill, PickingOrder>?, warehouse: (PickingOrder) -> Unit, accounting: (Bill) -> Unit) {
if (billAndOrder != null) {

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val splitter: (billAndOrder: Pair<Bill, PickingOrder>?) -> Unit = ::partialSplitter.partially2 { order -> println("TESTING $order") }(p2 = ::accounting)

val salesSystem: (quote: Quote) -> Unit = ::calculatePrice andThen ::filterBills forwardCompose splitter
salesSystem(Quote(20.0, "Foo", "Shoes", 1))
salesSystem(Quote(20.0, "Bar", "Shoes", 200))
salesSystem(Quote(2000.0, "Foo", "Motorbike", 1))

Our original splitter function was not very flexible as it directly invoked warehouse and accounting functions. The partialSplitter function resolves this problem by taking warehouse and accounting as parameters; however a (Pair<Bill, PickingOrder>?, (PickingOrder) -> Unit, (Bill) -> Unit) function can't be used in composition. Then, we partially apply two functions—a lambda and a reference.

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