The Any type

All types in Kotlin extend from the Any type (hold on a second, actually this isn't true but for the sake of the explanation, bear with me).

Every class and interface that we create implicitly extends Any. So, if we write a method that takes Any as a parameter, it will receive any value:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val myAlmondCupcake = Cupcake.almond()

val anyMachine = object : Machine<Any> {
override fun process(product: Any) {




What about a nullable value? Let's have a look at it:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val anyMachine = object : Machine<Any> {
override fun process(product: Any) {

val nullableCupcake: Cupcake? = Cupcake.almond()

anyMachine.process(nullableCupcake) //Error:(32, 24) Kotlin: Type mismatch: inferred type is Cupcake? but Any was expected

Any is the same as any other type and also has a nullable counterpart, Any?Any extends from Any?. So, in the end, Any? is the top class of Kotlin's type system hierarchy.

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