
Annotations are a way to attach meta info to your code (such as documentation, configuration, and others).

Let's look at the following example code:

annotation class Tasty

An annotation itself can be annotated to modify its behavior:

annotation class Tasty

In this case, the Tasty annotation can be set on classes, interfaces, and objects, and it can be queried at runtime.

For a complete list of options, check the Kotlin documentation.

Annotations can have parameters with one limitation, they can't be nullable:

annotation class Tasty(val tasty:Boolean = true)

object ElectricOven : Oven {
override fun process(product: Bakeable) {

class CinnamonRoll : Roll("Cinnamon")

interface Fried {
fun fry(): String

To query annotation values at runtime, we must use the reflection API (kotlin-reflect.jar must be in your classpath):

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val annotations: List<Annotation> = ElectricOven::class.annotations

for (annotation in annotations) {
when (annotation) {
is Tasty -> println("Is it tasty? ${annotation.tasty}")
else -> println(annotation)
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