Testing and Debugging

In this chapter, we will discuss the following topics:

  • TDD
  • Dos and don'ts of writing tests
  • Mocking
  • Debugging
  • Logging

Every programmer must have, at least, considered skipping writing tests. In Django, the default app layout has a tests.py module with some placeholder content. It is a reminder that tests are needed. However, we are often tempted to skip it.

In Django, writing tests is quite similar to writing code. In fact, it is practically code. So, the process of writing tests might seem like doubling (or even more) the effort of coding. Sometimes, we are under so much time pressure that it might seem ridiculous to spend time writing tests when we are just trying to make things work.

However, eventually, it is pointless to skip tests if you ever want anyone else to use your code. Imagine that you invented an electric razor and tried to sell it to your friend saying that it worked well for you, but you haven't tested it properly. Being a good friend of yours, they might agree, but imagine their horror if you told this to a stranger.

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