
Now that we've defined our neural network and loaded our data, all that's left is to train it. 

In this, and several other examples throughout the book I'm using a dictionary called data to pass around the various datasets such as train_X, val_X, and test_X. I use this notation to keep the code readable, and because passing the entire dictionary is necessary more often than not.

Here's how I will train the model we've just built.

model = build_network(data["train_X"].shape[1])["train_X"], y=data["train_y"],
validation_data=(data["val_X"], data["val_y"]),

I'm using the same callbacks that we've previously used. I'm not using the ROC AUC callback we built in Chapter 4Using Keras for Binary Classification, as ROC AUC isn't clearly defined for multiclass classifiers.

Some creative solutions to this problem exist; for example, Approximating the multiclass ROC by pairwise analysis ( and Volume under the ROC surface ( are great papers that both address the problem. However, in practice, these methods and their metrics are rarely used and most commonly implemented in R. So, for now, let's stick with multiclass accuracy and stay far away from R.

Let's watch TensorBoard as our model trains:

Before you read the next paragraph, take a second and think about what these graphs are telling us. Got it? OK, let's move on.

So, this is a familiar situation. Our training loss is continuing to creep down, while our validation loss is going up. We're overfitting. While early stopping is certainly an option, let me show you a few new tricks to handle overfitting. Let's look at dropout and l2 regularization in the next section. Before we do, however, we should look at how to measure accuracy and make predictions using a multiclass network.

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